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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 64


    Gu Yixin was three-point drunk, seven-point joke, biting her lower lip and scratching her head at the camera, and deliberately lowered her voice and said to Yan Zhannan: "Let’s go nude/

    chat ." Yan Zhannan was taken aback by her unrestrained proposal. Shaking, slam the tablet directly on the ground.

    Yang Yang had already gone to bed at this time, and Yan Zhannan was watching TV with the second elder in the living room on the first floor. He was waiting to go back to the room to call her later. Unexpectedly, her video came early, and it was a superb invitation.

    Yan Zhannan swallowed, picked up the tablet and held it in his arms, and took a guilty look at the two elders who were watching TV not far away. They were watching the new drama that Cheng Cheng played in.

    Fortunately, the two of them looked attentively, and did not pay attention to his movement.

    Yan Zhannan breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and prepared to go upstairs lightly. After two steps, he saw the old lady turning her head and saying to him: "Xiaocheng's video? Bring it to me for a chat. She did a good job on TV. ."

    Yan Zhannan quietly opened the screen and took a look. The woman was still teasing the camera. How could such an exciting scene be seen by the old lady! He shook his head quickly to his mother, "When she comes back, you can meet and talk about it, and don't take up our loving time now!" After speaking, he walked up the stairs three or two steps.

    The old lady rolled her eyes at his back, showing her affection in front of an old woman, shameful!

    Yan Zhannan can still maintain a little demeanor when he is downstairs, waiting for the corner of the stairs, what calmness, what kind of demeanor, go to hell, he strode into his room, locked the door, threw off his coat, and rushed to the bed. , A series of actions are smooth and smooth.

    For a male who is forced to separate the two places in love, like a wolf like a tiger, a single spark of fire is enough to find the source, and a little touch of the subject is enough to make him spontaneously burned into ashes, even staring at the screen is like two fire lights , Almost didn't burn the tablet.

    After waiting for Yan Zhannan to return to the room from downstairs for a few seconds, Gu Yixin had already taken off his underwear and bottoms, and that piece of white-flowered skin that was like fat, almost blinded Yan Zhannan's eyes.

    In fact, Gu Yixin was quite conscious. She only started drinking a few glasses of red wine, but Chi Jun helped her block the wine behind, so she was not drunk at all.

    She just wants to tease him by drinking, want to see him getting angry in anxious, desire/burning appearance, and this kind of situation that he can't see and touch will be rare in the future, so she doesn't want to miss it This chance to tease him.

    And the man's reaction was just as she expected, and he couldn't stand it at all.

    "My dear, am I looking good like this?" Gu Yixin placed the tablet on the pillow, kneeling down, supporting the bed with both hands, and a pair of big buns were shown directly in front of the camera, squeezed out a deep groove by the bra. Come.

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