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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 73 The Unexpected Truth

    Because Yang Yang was stayed there for a few days by his grandparents, Gu Yixin was forcibly pulled by Yan Zhannan for a few days in the next few days. It was obviously a very romantic thing, but Gu Yixin was exhausted. , These two worlds are almost all spent in bed.

    Yan Zhannan is in good health, good endurance, and can do whatever she wants. After that, she is full of energy and spirit. However, she has been lacking in exercise for a long time and cannot keep up with her physical strength. .

    This morning, Yan Zhannan was called away by a phone call early in the morning, and she was able to rest and catch her breath.

    She actually woke up quite early, just tossing around in bed and reluctant to get up. She seriously doubted whether the bones of her whole body were broken, or how could she even have the strength to raise her hand? !

    When she was drowsy, finally got up and dressed neatly, and when she went downstairs to the flower shop, the time had moved to nearly noon.

    While rubbing his waist, he went downstairs with a yawn, and for the first time he saw Zhou Zhou's ridiculous expression.

    Zhou Zhou was standing at the top of the stairs waiting for her with a bunch of roses, "Boss, came downstairs so early today?"

    Gu Yixin glanced at the phone in his hand. It was already close to 12 noon. Zhou Zhou said this clearly. She was running on her, so she pretended to be a high-ranking fan and said to Zhou Zhou, "Is the salary still needed? Even the boss dare to run?!"

    Zhou Zhou said with a small smile on the corner of his mouth. Here you are."

    Gu Yixin looked at her inexplicably, and then at the roses in her hand, "This entire flower shop is mine. What do you want this bunch of flowers to do?"

    Zhou Zhou shook his head and held the flowers to her. In front of him, "Here is a card, you can see for yourself." In the

    middle of the delicately packed rose bouquet, there is indeed a card lying on the card. On the card is a line of words, "For my favorite baby." It was signed by Yan Zhannansan. Words.

    Gu Yixin's whole heart was as sweet as it was soaked in a honeypot. He reached out and hugged the bouquet, looked around, and suddenly felt that this bouquet was more beautiful than any other flower in the store.

    Xiao Mu, who was cleaning, happened to pass by them and saw the rose in Gu Yixin's hand. He said with emotion: "Mr. Yan is really romantic. His wife is clearly in the flower shop. He actually thought of sending flowers! People are moved."

    Zhou Zhou said to Xiao Mu while making up his knife: "The flowers are not for you, don't be moved, and he hasn't paid for the flowers."

    Gu Yixin was overjoyed and laughed for a while. Only then directed Xiao Mu to find her the most beautiful vase. She wanted to place the bunch of flowers on the third floor. Whether or not they paid, they were given to her by Yan Zhannan.

    Komaki ran to find a vase in the warehouse. After picking it for a long time, he came out with a pure white vase with a unique shape. Gu Yixin put the flowers in the vase and carefully moved them back to the living room on the third floor. They were most prominently placed beside the sofa. The place.

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