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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 54

    At the moment when the eyes are facing each other, no matter how strong the temperament is, no matter how strong the jealousy is, it can't resist the intense longing that has accumulated for a few days.

    After seeing the beloved woman, Yan Zhannan has forgotten the cold war that he initiated unilaterally.

    Seeing Gu Yixin approaching step by step, he couldn't help but want to step forward to hug her and kiss her, so he also stepped forward, opened his arms, and prepared for a tender and lingering hug.

    When the arm was about to touch her body, the lingering picture did not appear, only Gu Yixin raised his arms, slapped his hands apart, and refused his hug.

    The expected thing did not happen, Yan Zhannan was a little confused, feeling that Gu Yixin's style of painting was a bit wrong.

    Seeing her indifferent appearance, she has no sincerity when she apologizes. Didn't she come back all the way to apologize to him?

    However, the situation at the moment was obviously a bit different from what he thought. Yan Zhannan's arms remained in the air, his whole body as if he had been tapped, stiff.

    After Gu Yixin slapped his hand away, he looked at him silently, his gaze swept from head to toe, then from foot to head, and looked back and forth several times, but didn't say a word.

    Yan Zhannan felt a little hairy in his solemn eyes with intense scrutiny.

    I saw him unnaturally asking: "Why...what's wrong?"

    Gu Yuxin raised her chin slightly, folded her hands on her chest, and asked him coldly, "You blackened me?"

    Yan Zhannan scratched his head and suddenly felt guilty. , Said: "Who...who made you angry with me!"

    Gu Yixin stepped forward and moved closer to him. He raised his head and his eyes were misty, and said aggrievedly: "Who said no to quarrel the other day? Don't say you lose your temper?"

    Yan Zhannan was in a daze with the weak expression and the pitiful corners of his eyes and brows.

    Suddenly, I felt extremely distressed. The previous quarrel made her travel far away to the cold and freezing place thousands of miles away.

    This time, because of the inexplicable rumors on the Internet, she suddenly ignored her, and even blacked her out. At this time, it was indeed a bit unreasonable to make trouble.

    He suddenly feels funny. He can easily manage a company, but every time he faces emotional problems, he seems too impulsive and naive, just like a minor boy, remembering that he didn't If so, at that time he could always tease her calmly, and even often tease her speechlessly, but why is it so embarrassing when he really talks about love!

    Thinking about it this way, the faint resentment in his heart instantly turned into a full of guilt. He was holding her before and begging her not to quarrel in the future, but he did not expect to break his promise first.

    Yan Zhannan lowered his head, put his arm around her lightly, and said in a low voice, "Baby, I was wrong."

    Gu Yixin still had a calm face, "You actually blocked me, didn't answer the phone, and didn't respond to messages, you know me. How sad is it?"

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