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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 16: Beautiful Misunderstanding

    Holding the hot Yang Yang, Gu Yixin stood at the door of the unit building. In front of him was an empty and quiet courtyard. Several street lamps emitted dim light, struggling to drive away the dense night.

    Yan Zhannan came very quickly, it should only take ten minutes, but for Gu Yixin who was waiting anxiously, it was like a year.

    Seeing a car coming from a distance, Gu Yixin hurried to trot up. There was a faint pain in her ankle that she had no time to care about.

    When the car stopped in front of her, Gu Yixin realized that it was a cool sports car.

    No wonder it came so fast, it should be a drag racing all the way.

    Yan Zhannan got out of the car and didn't say anything. He walked around to the opposite side and opened the passenger's door. When passing by Gu Yixin, he stretched out his hand and rubbed her head heavily, as if he was venting the sullen anger of being disturbed late at night. Is comforting her silently.

    Gu Yixin hugged Yangyang and got into the car. When Yan Zhannan started the car, she said softly "Thank you."

    Yan Zhannan responded with a nasal sound, and drove coolly on the road. The engine was urged by the accelerator to make a sound. The roar of clamor, for an instant, the body was like a sword, severely splitting the night all the way, leaving an arrogant light and shadow.

    The temperature in the middle of the night was relatively low. When Gu Yixin got out of the car, his whole body was shivering with cold. Only then did he realize that he was only wearing a base coat and had forgotten to take his coat.

    Gritting her teeth and clinging to Yang Yang, she ran into the outpatient building, the hall was empty and not as noisy as during the day.

    Yan Zhannan came in behind her, threw the coat on her casually, and said, "Put it on, I'll go to register."

    Gu Yixin discovered that Yan Zhannan took off the coat from himself. Except for this coat, he had only one coat left. A short-sleeved shirt, the strong chest muscles support the short-sleeved shirt.

    It may have been too hasty. Yan Zhannan just wore a pair of black loose pajamas casually on his lower body, and even only wore a pair of flip flops on his feet.

    Wearing pajamas and stepping on flip flops to drive away the supercar...

    Gu Yixin wanted to laugh a little, but thought that he would be so embarrassed, all because of her phone call, and instantly felt extremely moved.

    I heard that the boss of zn entertainment is very righteous. She didn't believe it at all when she heard this rumor. As a businessman, she must first consider her own interests. The right way is: no business, no evil.

    But tonight, she did see his righteous side. When she found out that she had a child, she obviously left with disgust. She didn't expect that her call for help in the middle of the night would still call him.

    The man's usual attitude seems bad, but in fact he is a kind person.

    Gu Yixin was really cold, so she found a chair to sit down, let Yang Yang lean against her, and quickly put on Yan Zhannan's coat.

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