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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 66

    "You haven't considered this issue?!"

    His words made Gu Yixin completely stunned. She did not consider this issue, and it was not right. It should be said that she had thought about it, but she always thought that she would not It will happen, after all, this is a lifelong event, how can you talk so casually after making love?

    If this matter was mentioned around the Spring Festival, then she might have agreed without much consideration, but now it is different. Chi Jun obviously already knows her identity. How could she marry herself without worrying about Chi Jun's resolution.

    Besides, the object of Yan Zhannan's proposal is still Cheng Cheng, and she can't let him not even figure out the object, so he gets married in a confused way!

    Thinking of this, she sat up, looked at him seriously, and said, "I really don't have this mental preparation yet, can I talk about this later?"

    The atmosphere that was originally lingering and tired, because of her words, instantly dropped. freezing point.

    Yan Zhannan remained lying flat, but his body was obviously stiff, his lips were pursed, his eyebrows frowned, and his eyes filled with cold anger.

    After a man's proposal is rejected, he will definitely not be happy, let alone Yan Zhannan, who has a bit of a big man character. At this moment, he feels like a cooked duck that suddenly flies away to his mouth.

    His cheeks were hot, like being slapped severely. He couldn't accept the geological question: "Why do you have to say it after a while?"

    Yan Zhannan has always been very casual in front of her, happy, angry, and sensual, but never had it. Like this moment, indifferent and alienated.

    Gu Yixin was a little panicked, but still bit his head and said, "I think we should give each other more time."

    Yan Zhannan was silent for a few seconds and said, "Do you think we get together too short?"

    Gu Yixin didn't speak.

    Yan Zhannan looked at her unfavorable appearance, and was angry but had nowhere to sprinkle it. He could only take a few deep breaths, and said, "Our child is three years old. You are only now saying that you are not ready. Is it too late? ?"

    Although the room was heated, he came out of the bed and left to dry in the air for a while. Gu Yixin, who was only wearing a thin pajama, felt that the pores all over his body were tightened and couldn't help shaking. Yan Zhannan saw her so pitiful Xi was so miserable that she felt angry and funny at once, and immediately lifted the quilt and pulled her back into the bed.

    He sighed and said, "Forget it, marriage and evidence, I will talk about it later, but I have a request."

    Hearing him soften the compromise, Gu Yixin asked in a soft voice under the warm bed. "What's the requirement?"

    "Yangyang must change to call my father. He is obviously my son, but he keeps calling my uncle. What is it like?!" The man asked.

    Gu Yixin secretly rolled his eyes in his arms, thinking that Yang Yang called her mother and called his father, and it seemed to outsiders that it didn't make any difference whether it was married or not! However, she had already angered him once, and she didn't dare to disobey him now. After all, Yang Yang and him were blood relatives. This was an undeniable fact.

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