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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 56


    Gu Yixin thinks about it seriously. She grew up so she had never bought the New Year goods personally. When she was a child, her parents were in Zhangluo. When she grew up, her parents had their own families. She was busy filming again, and she worked for the Spring Festival for several years. During the middle, not to mention the trivial matter of buying new year goods.

    So when she and Yan Zhannan led Yangyang to walk around the mall and saw the dazzling array of New Year goods, they felt extremely excited and novel. This was an experience that had never been seen before.

    Because there were too many people in the mall, Yan Zhannan hugged Yang Yang, and then let him ride on his neck. Yang Yang held his head high and looked down at the surroundings, smiling like a flower.

    Gu Yixin was afraid of being crowded out by the crowd, so he put his hand in Yan Zhannan's pocket to ensure that the two were always connected.

    "What should I buy for your parents?" Gu Yixin asked Yan Zhannan with a headache looking at the various commodity stalls.

    Yan Zhannan shook his head, "I rarely buy things for them, I usually give directly to the card." It

    was the simplest and rude gift.

    "Then I also send the card?" Gu Yixin asked stupidly.

    "Don't doubt, they are richer than you." Yan Zhannan beat her cruelly.

    Gu Yixin was almost crying, really don't know what to give?

    In fact, most of the gifts she gave to her parents in the past were mostly cards. In addition, every time she went to a place to film, she would buy some local souvenirs and send it to them. Later, during a conversation with her mother, she found out They didn't like her sending souvenirs at all, and since then, they have never sent them in kind.

    Anyway, in the eyes of her parents, she is a cash cow, as long as it brings them more wealth, it is enough to do other things, no matter how good it is, it is unnecessary.

    After she was able to live independently, she rarely had the opportunity to please her elders, because she was not rare to please her.

    Over time, she naturally ignored these people's sophistication, and people became indifferent. This was the reason why she did not dare to see the Yan family's parents.

    She is afraid that she will not do well and leave a bad impression on others.

    The shopping mall was filled with lights and festoons. Yan Zhannan took the mother and the son and wandered in the crowd. Finally, he bought a lot of snacks for Yangyang, but he still had no idea about the gifts he could buy for his parents.

    After storing two bags of snacks in the locker, Gu Yixin is going to buy new clothes. If he meets his parents, in addition to gifts, his image is also very important.

    After running a flower shop, she has bought new clothes, but mostly capable suits, which are basically suitable for the image needs of doing business.

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