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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 7 President Yan's Thoughts

    The south of S City is a prime location. Although it is far away from the downtown area, it is the emerging economic and financial center and government and government administrative center of S City. There is also the largest forest park in S City. The air is fresh and the scenery is pleasant. Many real estate companies are in High-end real estate and villas are being developed in the surrounding area, and land prices have risen again and again, which has become sky-high.

    The ZN Entertainment Media Building is located next to the forest oxygen bar. When the company was selected, Yan Zhannan took great pains. Not only did he invite the famous Feng Shui to step on it, he even cheekedly begged the father to go out of the mountain and help him walk. After the relationship, the land was finally taken down.

    The best viewing location for the entire building is definitely the chairman's office on the top floor. It faces the urban area and is backed by the forest park. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see most of the scenery of City S.

    When he is not busy, Yan Zhannan likes to light a cigarette and smoke while enjoying the sense of superiority with a view of the mountains, but in the past two days he has become obsessed with playing with mobile phones and rarely goes to the floor-to-ceiling windows to see the scenery.

    Assistant Lin brought a cup of coffee and saw that the chairman was swiping his mobile phone again. This is very rare. Yan Zhannan has always disliked playing with mobile phones and hated to see his subordinates playing with mobile phones. He thought this was a plaything.

    But as long as he is free in the past two days, he will take out his cell phone and swipe it, just like a state official in the ignition.

    Assistant Lin put down the coffee gently, not daring to disturb the boss playing on the phone. When he was about to turn around and leave, he was called by Yan Zhannan.

    "Xiaolin, can QQ apply with a mobile phone number?" Yan Zhannan frowned and asked him. Although he is only a young man, he has no interest in the electronic products that the general public likes.

    After hearing the question, Assistant Lin quickly said yes.

    Yan Zhannan nodded, then lowered his head to fiddle with the phone seriously.

    Assistant Lin thought he had finished the question, so he was about to leave, but he was yelled at by Yan Zhannan again. He only heard him ask, "Is anyone coming to me these days and was stopped by the front desk?"

    Anyone who comes to the company to find Yan Zhannan must make an appointment through the front desk. The front desk will set a time after discussing with Assistant Lin. Visitors will meet him at the scheduled time. If there is no appointment in advance, the front desk will ask Assistant Lin for instructions. It will stop people directly, so it is clearest to ask Assistant Lin if anyone is stopped.

    Assistant Lin didn’t know how to answer, because the front desk stopped many people who didn’t make an appointment every day, so he thought about it and replied: “There are more people coming in and out every day. Is there anyone the chairman wants to see? I can let the front desk pay attention. ."

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