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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 14 The Authority of the Gold Master


    floor-to-ceiling curtains in the room 14 were not tightened, and there was still a small gap. A trace of night quietly spread in from the gap, with dim light, so that Gu Yixin could clearly see the things in the house, but soon this trace of night was lost. The brighter light drove away strongly and gradually disappeared into the inconspicuous corner.

    Gu Yixin didn't close the door of the room, so the bright light came from the open door to the living room.

    Sitting on the bed blankly, listening to the sound of footsteps gradually approaching the room, Gu Yixin gradually raised her heart to her throat. What should she do? What kind of attitude to face Chi Jun? Didn’t you come back a few days later? Why is it here so soon.

    Suddenly remembered Yang Yang who was still sleeping on the bed. If Chi Jun saw him, how would she explain to him? Anyone who is concealed and deceived will not feel happy.

    She quickly picked up the jacket that was set aside, quickly put it on, and rushed out of the room at a speed of 100 meters.

    Chi Jun, who was going to walk to the bedroom, was unpreparedly hit and shocked, "What's the matter?"

    "Didn't you say that it will take a few days to come back?" Gu Yixin casually searched for the topic to hide himself. Panic.

    Only then did he take a closer look at the man under the light. With a tall, thin and slender figure, coupled with a gentle and handsome face, the man was as good-looking as ever, just like the hero who came out of the comics.

    If he hadn't already known his unknown hobbies and just looked at the appearance, he would be a light knight with his own halo.

    Unfortunately, he is not.

    Chi Jun held her arms and smiled and said to her: "The shooting is finished ahead of schedule, I will come back early and prepare to give you a surprise."

    This is really surprising!

    "Why, you seem to be nervous, is there a wild man hiding in the house?" Chi Jun looked like a joke, but his eyes were extremely sharp and a little aggressive.

    There was no wild man, but the little boy hid one and hid it directly under the covers.

    Gu Yixin shook his head quickly, "How dare I."

    Chi Jun was obviously pleased, and he let out a hearty laugh. With a big hand, he easily took her into his arms and said in her ear with his unique low voice: " Haven't seen me for months, did you miss me?"

    An old friend who has been in friendship for many years, hugged her tightly in the late night light, and asked her in an intimate tone if she missed him. Gu Yixin felt embarrassment was about to commit.

    The too ambiguous posture also blows up her goose bumps. She wants to jump up immediately and shake off the feeling of hair on her body like a dog drying her hair. It is really awkward and uncomfortable. Gu Yixin took a lot of effort. , I resisted pushing him away.

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