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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 71

    Chi Jun is a high-profile Uranus superstar. His every move has attracted much attention. He was engaged not long ago. Everyone was waiting for their wedding in the next year. Unexpectedly, they were waiting for news of their breakup. There was no warning. , It is incredible.

    However, as soon as his news came out, he immediately succeeded in drawing everyone’s attention. Gu Yixin, who had been besieged by the media for several days, could finally catch his breath. Even the media entertainment reporters who were blocking the door of the flower shop were also withdrawn one after another. Looking at the deserted door of the shop, Zhou Zhou felt that it was a pity that she hadn't publicized enough.

    Yan Zhannan would feel uncomfortable. It was natural. In his opinion, Chi Jun's move was clearly helping Cheng Cheng out of trouble, and the reason why he would actively help, Yan Zhannan really didn't want to go into it, it was definitely impure motives.

    No man would be happy to find that his wife is being watched by others.

    At night, Yan Zhannan hugged Gu Yixin and couldn't fall asleep for a long time. After taking a bite on her shoulder, he said to her in a vicious voice, "Even if he helps you, you are not allowed to come with him."

    Although he felt that he was a bit unreasonable. But Gu Yixin nodded with a smile, "I won't go to him."

    Yan Zhannan thought for a while, and said unwillingly: "Even if he doesn't take action, I can solve this problem."

    Gu Yixin hooked his mouth and couldn't help kissing. On the corner of his mouth, "I know. Actually, you don't need to care about Chi Jun. It's impossible for me to talk to him."

    Yan Zhannan naturally understands the truth, but he just can't control his mood, as long as he mentions Chi Jun. Name, he will be jealous, it has become an instinctive reaction.

    Seeing his depressed look, Gu Yixin couldn't help but roll over and lay on him, and said tenderly in his ear: "At this time, shouldn't you do something more meaningful?"

    Yan Zhannan chuckled a few lowly, and temporarily abandoning the troubles, holding her waist with both hands, and pressing hard, the position of the car was instantly reversed, "Since you took the initiative to provoke me, then don't blame me."

    Look. With his eager appearance, Gu Yixin snickered in his heart. This man's attention was too easily distracted.

    However, the consequence that provokes him is that he can't get out of bed with backache the next day.

    After Chi Jun broke up with Lin Qian, Lin Qian, who had been active on Weibo before, suddenly fell silent, and no more updates on Weibo. No media speculated whether she was too sad and healed alone. .

    Once the media’s attention is diverted, Cheng Cheng’s narrative will soon be forgotten. The entertainment industry is such a circle that loves the new and dislikes the old. Every day, many new people are known, and many old people are forgotten every day. This is how it is. The rules of the game are both realistic and cruel.

    After this turmoil, Cheng Cheng's name is considered to be familiar to the public, especially since the TV series she participated in are being broadcast, so she has gained a little fame.

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