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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 29: Yixin's Concealment

    At this meeting, Sister Zhang simply regarded her as a sister. When she went downstairs, she held her hand and said to her: "You can move in quickly and take over the flower shop. It doesn't matter if the money is in place, I am I believe your "

    GU Xin said:" When I finish work at hand, can be formally take over, but the house has been hung out to sell, then more people will see, if still live there, then, really inconvenient. "

    Zhang sister Nodded again and again, "Yeah, move here quickly, here are some people who can help you move."

    Guan Yue next to her looked at the urgent appearance of Sister Zhang, and smiled: " Did her husband rush over there?"

    Sister Zhang also Not shy,

    she showed her affection: "Yes, it's only a few days after we've been apart. I'm almost out of love, mainly because I can't sleep alone at night." Everyone was amused by her straightforward appearance.

    Since the iron was hot, Gu Yixin had decided to move first, and after discussing with Guan Yue, he decided to go back to pack things in the afternoon and start moving the next day.

    Although he was a little anxious, Gu Yixin had no time to move in the next filming. If he missed this holiday, he would have to wait until the TV series was finished before he was free.

    Sister Zhang is older and more experienced in life, so she made suggestions. "The furniture and electrical appliances here are all ready-made. You only need to move some things that you usually use first, and then wait for Xiaoyue’s weekends. Just move over."

    Everyone nodded and agreed with her after hearing this. Zhang Jie pointed to Zhou Zhou again and said: "This is a capable person. You take her to ensure that it is better than a man, and one can do the same."

    Zhou Zhou was unhappy, and said helplessly: "Sister, you always introduce me to others like this, how can I marry out."

    Sister Zhang covered her mouth and smiled: "It's not good to have a capable wife?"

    Zhou Zhou is often caught She used it to joke, she had long been accustomed to it, and she had no choice but to shrug her shoulders.

    Guan Yue disagrees with Zhang's point of view, saying: "Men still want to be trusted."

    Zhou Zhou squinted at him, "You seem to need someone to rely on you."

    Guan Yue looked at Zhou Zhou. The two of them only met today. Why did she always think that she was speaking at him, as if she had an opinion on him. of.

    I couldn't help asking her: "Miss Zhou, I offended you?"

    Zhou Zhou smirked, "I don't know you well."

    Guan Yue: "..."

    Gu Yixin finally decided to accept Jie Zhang's proposal. Guan Yue took it with Zhou Zhou, who was wrong.

    As soon as the group walked out the door, they saw a huge off-road vehicle rushing to the front of the flower shop.

    Guan Yue was so frightened that he quickly stopped them behind him, with a great spirit of "I want to run them over me first", but his trembling legs still betrayed his emotions.

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