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Passing through the scum

Traditional Chinese

Set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 78

    Having been in love for so long, even at the stage of talking about marriage, Yan Zhannan never heard Gu Yixin mention her family.

    At first he thought it was because the two hadn’t had a deep relationship, and Gu Yixin wasn’t ready to marry him, so he didn’t mention his family in front of him. At that time, there was some resentment in his heart. Later, after knowing Gu Yixin’s true identity, he realized that she was not Not to mention, I don't know Cheng Cheng's family at all.

    When the wedding of the two was put on the agenda, the details of the meeting between the parents of the two were naturally brought up. Gu Yixin was a little nervous. After all, she did not know Cheng Cheng’s family. The only contact with Cheng’s mother was not the process. Very happy.

    Yan Zhannan knew her worries, so he hugged her in his arms and coaxed her gently, "It's okay, let's find a day to explore the situation and bring Guan Yue with

    him ." His comfort didn't help much, I saw her frowning. Said: "I remember that Ms. Cheng was not easy to get along with. She was a very powerful person. When she returned Yang Yang to me, the momentum directly frightened me."

    Yan Zhannan was amused by her exaggerated appearance, "You I just came here at that time, don't need anyone to scare you, you yourself are dumbfounded."

    Gu Yixin recalled the situation at that time and felt that he was right. She had been in a state of confusion for a while.

    "I heard what the old man said, he and the old lady are going to see Mama Cheng, and then propose marriage?" Gu Yixin asked him uncertainly.

    Yan Zhannan nodded, "The old man has some concepts that are indeed more traditional, so we have to go and explore the situation first, so as not to go wrong."

    After he said this, it is imperative to return to Chengcheng's hometown.

    Yan Zhannan's work efficiency has never been low. After deciding to go to Cheng Cheng's hometown, he began to arrange various matters, determine travel time, prepare various gifts, and transfer the best nanny car from the company.

    Guan Yueyi heard that he wanted him to go back to his hometown together. He was a bit reluctant. For him, that place had too many bad memories. Since his mother passed away, he has not gone back for many years, and even vowed not to go back. , Gu Yixin's proposal made him a little embarrassed.

    However, after Zhou Zhou knew his reason, he said disdainfully from the side: "Hopefully, who still remembers who you are after so many years? Even if someone remembers you, you should go back and let those who have laughed at you before, Look at how moist and comfortable you are now. Maybe they are not as good as you. They only have envy and jealousy when they see you."

    Although her words were spear and stick, but Guan Yue heard them. It feels very useful. This is indeed the truth. Maybe the people who looked down on him before are not as good as him now.

    So he stopped struggling and hesitating, and readily agreed to go back with them.

    According to the information from Guan Yue, Dad Cheng fell ill and passed away a few years ago. Now there is only one mother who lives with Cheng Cheng’s two older brothers, but the relationship between the two daughters-in-law and Cheng’s mother is not very good. Fortunately Cheng Mother holds the ownership of the old house, and both families want it, so naturally they will not be too bad for Cheng's mother.

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