Chapter 3: Date Night

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He was blushing like crazy and I was hoping he'd say yes.

"Oh shut up..."


George POV

We bought so many clothes that we had to make two trips from the car to the house. Clay wouldn't let me buy just the necessities and we basically bought half the shop.

Now I had clothes, we had food, we were together, life was great.

There were five weeks until Christmas. I had planned to be home by then to see my sister. I'm not sure how I'd break that to Clay yet.

I decided to do it sooner rather then later. We were relaxing on our third week together when I decided to tell him. He was completely fine with it, even offering to pay for my flight. I refused and bought myself a ticket the next day.

"Well, if you're leaving soon, we should do something fun."

"Mm hmm. What are you thinking?"

"George will you go on a date with me?"

"Of course."


The dress was sat in the corner of the room. Yes, he bought it. Yes, I was tempted to wear it. But I can't. Not in public.

So I just out on some jeans an a t-shirt, attempted to do my hair and then sprayed a ridiculous amount of cologne. Clay did the exact same thing. I've never seen him dress like this before. I've never seen him dress well. I say that, but he does look good in sweats and a hoodie, I won't lie.

We were going out ice skating. Yes. Ice skating. I made him do it. I haven't been ice skating in ages and he's never done it before so I suggested we go for it. And he agreed. Only because I told him if he went I'll model the dress. Which I regret saying. But here we are.

We are at an ice rink. Now I think about it, maybe jeans weren't the best thing to wear, but I'll make it work. He paid and we got our skates. They were fairly easy to walk with, just heavier then you'd expect. Clay struggled immensely and I found that hilarious.

It was only when we got to the actual rink that we fell over. Well, he dragged me down with him.

"George! Don't leave me!!"

"I can't be seen with you.. you're destroying my reputation."

"Your reputation is for me and no one else so get your ass back here and help me up."

"Yes sir."

Oh no. Oops. Didn't mean to let that slip.

"Yes, what??" He looked up at me smirking.

I reached a hand out to him and corrected myself. "Yes, Clay."

"Teach me how to do this?"

"Right, give me your hand."

He gave me it and I held it tightly. I explained how to do it and he'd mastered not falling in just under ten minutes. He was so proud of himself. He still looked dumb as he'd cling to the side every two seconds but he was getting better.

Twenty minutes in, he had done a full lap without falling. Another few laps after that, he didn't even need to hold the rail anymore. I wasn't going to let him know I could do spins, that might actually crush him.

I turned around for all of two seconds and then I had lost him. He wasn't by my side. What the hell? He was handing his phone to a girl around my age, and she was nodding at him. He then skated over to me and told me to pose. Oh god. I hate pictures. He knows I get embarrassed so I just buried my face in his jacket.



"Kiss me."

"Of course."

The picture came out perfect. She was actually videoing the whole time so we could screenshot parts. She managed to capture Clay falling right at the end so I clipped it and sent it to Sapnap.

He found it hilarious. He called me immediately and told me to put Clay on the phone.


"Seriously Sapnap?" But he was laughing.

The call ended with Sapnap screaming down the mic. Lovely of him.

When it was time to go, I thought I'd sneak in a small spin just because miss it. I've never seen his jaw drop so fast.

"You could do that THIS WHOLE TIME??"

"Yeah..." I giggled nervously. This idiot.

"Do it again.. wait. Let me get my phone out."

"Okay, okay."

And I did it. And he looked so proud. He kissed me one last time then we skated off the ice.

When we were back in the car, clay whsipered to me, "I have one last surprise."

"Oh god really?"


"What is it?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now, would it."

"Fine. Just tell me we aren't setting something else on fire."

"We aren't. We are going to the beach."

"It's nearly sunset, what's the point?"

"That's exactly the point."

"You know I can't see it."

"Just you wait."

I napped whilst he drove. I was tired after all that teaching.

When I awoke, we were driving up, like really high up. I looked out my window and the road was merely a cliff.

"Where is this?"

"It's one of my favourite places."

We got to the top and all there appeared to be was a single bench and a really pretty flowerbed. They were beautiful flowers. Ones I recognised as tulips. This clifftop was overlooking the beach and I could see that the sun was beginning to set.

"How'd you find this place?"

"I was angry one night, around a year ago. I was driving and I just kept driving. Twenty minutes later I ended up here and I watched the sunset. Alone. It was reviving. So now I want you to do it with me. And I want you to do it with these."

He handed me a box.

"What's in here?"

"Open it."

So I did. Inside were some glasses. I knew what they were, I just didn't know if they'd work. Either way, a grin spread across my face. I kissed him again and again.

"Thankyou thankyou thankyou."

"Put them on silly."

He dragged me to the bench at sat me down, waiting eagerly.

I took a deep breathe and put them on.


"It's beautiful."

I stared as the sun set and I could see that in the corner of my eye, he was staring at me.

"I love you Clay. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Georgie."

He pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder. Why couldn't some things last forever?


1131 words

another cute chapter:)

there's more to come..

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