Chapter 15: It Was Genuine

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There was a knock at the door and food had arrived. I couldn't eat. Even the smell made my stomach churn. I ran to the bathroom and threw up again.

What the fuck do I do now?


Sapnaps POV

George was trembling, bent over the toilet. I didn't know how to help so I just rubbed his back and whispered about how it'll be okay.

It will be.

I ate because that's where I find comfort. I felt bad because George couldn't but we both needed to get through this.

He eventually creeped into bed and I didn't hear anything else from him for the rest of the night.

I was back in this guest room. I wish it was under better circumstances. I don't know how but I was going to sleep. We were going to talk in the morning. We had to talk in the morning.

When I first listened to that voicemail I cried. It was expected that I did, it was overwhelming. I listened to it four times. It's saved to my phone. I just don't understand how I didn't notice anything. I thought I knew Clay. I thought I knew who he was as a person but the Clay I knew would never want to hurt anyone.

In a way, I think jail will be good for him.

I'm aware that's awful to say, that's my best friend. But jail was made to reform and it might help him with this unhealthy obsession over George. It might help him set his morals straight. It's not wrong for me to want my best friend to better himself right? It's an awful circumstance but I think good will come out of it in the long term. Like he said.


I woke up around 2pm. It was late but George didn't seem to be awake yet either. I'm not surprised, he didn't sleep half the night. I heard him crying but I knew he didn't want me to see him. He would hate if he knew I even heard him. He knows I'm here and if he needs me right now he'd ask for me. Right?

I knocked on George's door and slowly let myself in. Half of Clays wardrobe was on the floor and the other half was either on the bed with George or George was wearing it. He was asleep, clutching one of Clays hoodies.

I walked to the back of the room and realised there'd been a balcony here the whole time. It looked down on the garden and you could see everything from there.

I slipped through the sliding door and the cold immediately hit me. It was refreshing. It made me feel alive. It made me feel something, which was good.

It was a particularly miserable day in terms of the weather and the temperature. Everything was grey and cold. I understand why George is still in bed. But he can't stay there. He needs to get out.

I don't know whether to advise him to move on or not.

Clay said to. Well, he said he couldn't stop George from doing so, and he was right. I can't say they were good for eachother. I mean, look where they are now. I think he should. I think George should move on.

I'm going to stay with him until he's ready to go home.

The door slid open behind me and George stepped out.


"Hey, George."

His voice was hoarse and raspy but I wasn't going to mention it.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. Thank you."

"You up for eating something?"

"Yes please."

"Alright, I'll go make something."

"Can we just order food?"

"Yeah, yeah of course. Do you not trust my cooking?"

He laughed at me and punched me jokingly, "We both know that you in the kitchen is not a good idea."

"True, true."

George smiled. A genuine smile. Good.

We stood for a moment, savouring each others company and welcoming the silence.


I watched as George ate. I'm glad he was actually eating, as I don't know when the last time he had food was.

He finished and he creeped back into his room. I didn't want to stop him. He needed time and that's okay. I understand.

I'm worried for Clay. I don't know how he is. I want to visit him but I'm not going without George. And George clearly isn't ready.

But I can't sit here in his house, waiting, whilst Clays sat in there alone.

He's waiting for us to come.

He doesn't know if we are coming.

I bet he feels fucking awful.

Dream POV

It's the second day. They haven't come. That's okay. I'm fine. I'm doing fine.

I've been in four fights so far.

Rich people don't blend well in prison.

YouTubers don't blend well in prison.

I'm young, gay, rich and consequently, a target.

One of the guards snitched because they thought it would be entertaining.

I'm currently in the medical wing being patched up. Trust me, the other guys much worse.

This is meant to be reforming but if I keep getting in these fights then I'm fucked.

I thanked the nurse for the second time today and I got taken back to my cell. Normally, you'd have cellmates but due to everyone's violent tendancies towards me, I live alone. I sleep alone. I have my own toilet. That's a positive, I suppose. Don't even get me started on yard time.

Now, this all sounds awful. And it is. It's fucking terrifying. But I have access to the library all the time. I don't know how, but my lawyers sorted that for me.

That's my only escape at the moment. I like reading and it's an effective distraction.

I miss George. So much. It hurts so bad. I try not to think about it. I try not to think about him. The last thing we did was fuck, which I'm not mad about. Not that I needed to have a good fuck before I left, but that's when George is the most happy. Understandable. Saying 'have a good fuck' makes me sound like such a dick but he's most vulnerable at that point and I think that's beautiful. That's what I wanted to remember and think about.

The last words I said to George were, "I love you so much." He kissed me smiling, and replied, "I love you too, idiot."

I miss his lips. I miss his eyes. I miss his everything.

So yeah, that was my goodbye. That and the letter. He's probably listened to Nick's voicemail too. I know he'd want to hear me. I know he's probably mad at me too. Understandable.

I really hope they come visit soon but I also won't keep my hopes up because they probably both need some time.

Also, orange is not really my colour, by the way. These fucking uniforms suck.


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