Chapter 18: An Old Flame

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"We both know that secretly means never."

"Glad we're on the same page, Gogy."


George POV

Its been three weeks since we saw Clay. Things have been slow, painful. Barely got out of bed most days. I call his number some times because it gives me hope that he might pick up. He never does.

Sleep has been getting easier. By that, I mean I'm getting more of it. I was having this series of nightmares the first week where I would be in prison with Clay. I'd experience awful, awful things. But they were things that could definitely occur in Clays day to day life now. I'd wake up crying and Nick would comfort me. Every night. Patches sleeps with me now. I wonder what she thinks about all of this.

She just got torn away from her owner and transported to a new place. She didn't really have a say in that either. I bet that was her first to flying too.

"Its okay, Patches. I miss him too."

She mewed and nudged her head against my hand. I stroked her and talked to her endlessly. I knew she didn't understand but I felt like I was being listened to. I talked about everything. How I felt. What was happening.

I felt like it was my fault.

Clay told me not to but I do feel guilty. Nick spent an hour lecturing me on why I shouldn't. He tried to convince me to attempt to move on. He's tried a lot of things.

Nick's been doing his best to distract me and we've been visiting my sister a lot. They've become good friends, actually. It's good to see.

Today, Nick and I went to visit my sister again, surprise, surprise. Just to catch up, get me out the house. We had a movie marathon then ate lunch. Normal things.

Then, a couple hours into the evening, I got a text. I didn't want to read it but curiosity got the best of me.



Hey, George
Heard you're back in the UK
How are you?
Can I see you, please?

Its not a good time
I'm not talking to you

Please, George
You used to talk to me about everything
I'll always listen
Just to talk
I swear


I'll always be here George


I sighed and put my phone down.

This is so fucking boring. Clay was the only excitement to my life. He's gone.

"I'm going out."

"What the fuck? Where?" Nick looked concerned. Even my sister stopped talking.

"To meet an old friend."

"Do you want me to come with? When will you be back?"

"George you don't have many other friends here.." my sister chipped in.

"Very nice. Thank you. I'll be back late, probably. Don't wait up."



I left the house, slamming the door behind me. I didn't care what Nick had to say. I was feeling rebellious.


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