Chapter 10: Speciality

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He needed to know I was here for him. After all, I was the one that said I was all in.


Dream POV

He still loved me. He still wanted me. He still cares.

We are still together.

George was lying on top of me currently, he was asleep. We'd talked everything over. I told him exactly how I did it, who I hired. I trusted George with this information. He'd see that and feel important to me. Which he is. He always will be.

He still had that same innocence painted across his face. Good. That's all I wanted. I wanted George to be happy. I wanted George to be safe. And I wanted George to be with me. Willingly.

I was stroking his hair and every now and then he'd nuzzle closer against my chest. It was adorable. He was back with me. I could see him. I could touch him. I didn't have to miss him anymore.

George will never tell me how he really feels. He can't. He doesn't know how. I know he loves me. I also know this bothers him an enormous amount. Everything I've done.

I understand completely on why. It's not something small. And I also originally planned on not telling him anything. At all. He found out in such an awful way. I bet he was shitting himself at that airport. All of them circling him. I should've been there, but I was being interviewed. I was lying. I was covering up. Anything but being there for George.

I'm not an awful person. My motive was pure. Right?

I didn't do it because I wanted to kill Noah, I did it because I wanted to save George. I wanted to keep George safe.

I was watching the clock, trying to get comfy. I didn't want to move too much incase I woke George. I ended up rearranging my whole bed, stacking pillows and blankets, seeking comfort. George noticed and moved so I could slot myself in a position where I could be comfy. As soon as I did, he shuffled right back to his old position. This was good. This was normal.

I wanted to do more normal things. I should take him on a date. On a walk. Anything to show I still care and that this could work. We could go to the ice rink again. I'd pay millions to rewatch that one sunset on the cliff. I want things to be simple again. I want George to be clueless again. Well, not exactly clueless, but I wish he didn't know all that he now knew. It would hurt less. It would hurt him less.


"Yes, Georgie?"

"Are you scared?"

"Of what?"

"Of being caught."

"No. I'm confident there's no way it'll lead back to me."

"Back to us."

"It won't lead back to us."

"Then why am I so afraid?"

"Don't be."

"That's easy for you to say."

I paused.

"What are you most afraid of in this world, George?"

"Losing you."

I sighed and kissed him on the forehead. My hands were on his back and his arms were wrapped around my neck, holding me tight. His legs were sitting between mine and the covers were slowly falling off of him. I pulled them back up then I started tracing things on his back, simple things. He was slightly ticklish, so he complained.

"You won't lose me, George."

"You don't know that."

"I'm right here, baby. I'm not going anywhere."


I held out my pinky. He sleepily looked around, trying to find it. In doing so, he entwined his pinky with mine and I whispered, "I promise."

After that, we slept. We slept for a long time. It was mid afternoon when I woke up. I only woke up then because George was wriggling.

"Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon?" I replied.

"Yeah, it's 2 pm."

"How long have you been awake?"

"Not long. Not long at all. I was watching you sleep."

"Kinda creepy, George.."

"Oh, you know what I meant. Plus, you make cute noises when you sleep."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Yeah, you make little noises. It's adorable."

"At least I don't have full on conversations whilst I'm asleep.."

"I do not! You all made that up, I swear."

"Okay, okay, George. You tell yourself that."

"Oh fuck off. What do you want to do today?"

"I have a few ideas.."

"Oh yeah?"


I sat up and he rolled onto my lap, sitting up. His legs were either side of mine and I wrapped my arms around his thighs, pulling him in closer. His hands found their way to either side of my face and he brought my lips to his. God, I missed this. I missed the feel of his lips against mine. I missed the feel of his body against mine.

I missed it all.

George POV

He was still warm and comfy and that hasn't changed. He was still mine. We were still together. We still loved eachother.

So why did I feel so guilty?

Why did I feel so wrong?

But not with him, no, everything about him feels right. It's perfect. But why does what he did feel so wrong? Because it is. But what can I do?

I just lay on his chest, I had no intention of moving any time soon. He was tracing his finger on my back and it was annoying me slightly, but it was also cute so I let it happen.



"Do you want to go out today?"


"Do you want food?"


"Do you want me to cook?"

"Yes please."

"Then you'll have to move, baby."

"Okay, okay."

"I'll bring you breakfast in bed, okay?"

"It's the afternoon."

"Lunch in bed doesn't sound as good."


He laughed and left me alone.

I snuggled back into the covers, savouring the warmth. I was excited. He didn't cook often and when he did it was always so good. He enjoyed cooking and he loved to cook for me which I think added to the speciality of it. I could smell bacon and eggs and sat up, convincing myself to get dressed.

Now, I had two options. Comfy, which would be sweats and a shirt. Or confident. Which may involve a skirt...


1070 words


I wonder what the next chapter will be about...

A late update we love to see it:)

I had a great day and thank you all for the birthday wishes<33


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