Chapter 37: Georgewasfound

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"I SAID STOP." He screamed.

It was loud. So, so loud. I lost concentration and the steering wheel swerved.


Dream POV

Everything went black for a couple seconds but I managed to stop the car just before we flew into the abyss.

We both sat, breathless. Scared. I quickly pulled the car to the side of the road and exhaled deeply. Fucking hell.


"I'm sorry, George. I didn't mean to..."

"I shouldn't be shouting whilst you're driving. God, we almost..."


"We almost died because I keep denying how much I still love you."

"George, don't say that unless you mean it. You're getting married for fuck sake."

"Don't switch up on me now."

"I'm not but this is a choice you make that you can't take back."

"I know." he said, slowly easing of the ring on his finger.


"If I even had to consider not getting married to him, I'm not making the right choice in doing so, am I?" he laughed a little and pulled the ring completely off.

"No...You're right."

"I know. What do we... Where do we go from here?"


"Your home?"

"Only if you want. I'll book tickets right now."

"This is all so fast. I was just engaged and now I'm not. Daniels knocked out on the floor. I haven't seen you in years. Now we're just going to America?"



"We don't have to, George. I just think you have less reason to stay here. Nick wants to see you. They miss you. They all do."

"It wasn't my intention to cut them off. Daniel told me I couldn't talk to them because they didn't like him."

"And you listened?"

"I didn't have a choice."

He lifted up his shirt and I saw bruises. So many bruises. The purples and blues contrasted so strongly with his pale skin.

"He hit you?" my voice broke.

I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

George just nodded.

"But please, let's just leave. Let's go. Out the country. Anywhere but here. Don't hurt him. Please."

"George...I..i won't. But I really fucking want to. He hit you?? What else? Did he let you eat? You look thin. You look pale."

I reached out and cupped his face. I turned it slightly to see his jawline and noticed his collarbone were protruding way more than before. His eyes were tired, he had eye bags to show it. He looked ill.

His skin was still smooth, still soft. Those eyes were staring deep into mine and for a few moments, we kept eye contact. I missed this.

"Thanks." he laughed a little and moved my hand away from his face. "Yes, he fed me. Not often. But enough to keep me alive."

Anything For You, Dream - {DNF} //BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now