Chapter 32: New Years (Going Into 2024)

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I'll put this at the top of every chapter it correlates to.

George: anything he says/thinks or that happens on his end, this is what it'll look like.

Dream: Anything he says/thinks or that happens on his end, this is what it'll look like

This is because I'm switching between the twos POV fast and often but I promise it won't be too confusing.

Why do all my relationships go south so fucking quickly? Why does everything have to go wrong? It's got to be my fault right?

The only common factor in all of these problems, is me.


Another year, gone. Its December 31st 2023.

I can't say this year was any better then the last. After I found out Daniel cheated on me, I went to America for two weeks. To calm down. To think things through.

I stayed with Nick and the boys and we had so much fun. We went out and partied and danced and I loved every second. They avoided the subject until the last two nights, begging me to think about how I'm being treated. Begging me to break up with Daniel. Begging me to stay with them, in America.

But eventually, it got to the point where I did have to go home.

Back to Daniel.

Now, you may think I'm crazy. I think I'm crazy sometimes. But he was drunk and it was one time. It means nothing. He's tried so hard to make it up to me this past year. I think he has.

But, because of the stunt he pulled in January, the boys lost all respect for him. They hate him. They hate that I'm with him. I don't really understand. I'm happy here, can't they see that?

I'm living a content life with someone that isn't clay, is that not what they wanted?


I'm out in eleven months. Eleven fucking months. Its so close, yet still so very far. Nothing exciting has happened. I mean, my cell mate got out. So I now have a new one.

He's small, cute. Goes by the name Neo. His real names Nicolas Edward Oliver Ringman so I'm almost sure as to why he came up with the nickname. He was very clearly gay, but I insisted I wasn't interested. Even after all this time alone, I wasn't giving myself up to some cute little... Some silly boy.

That was until he showered with me.

It's on a rotation. We had ten minutes maximum and boy, did he optimise those minutes. He spent the first minute and a half talking me into it. The next minute he asked me to let him prove himself.

Three minutes in he was on his knees and deep-throating me. I innately spread my fingers through his hair, edging him further onto me.

It got to five minutes and I didn't know how much longer I could last so I pulled him off me, turned him round and lined myself up. The adrenaline and the lack of sexual anything's took over. He was moaning so loud I had to hold my hand over his mouth and beg him so stop.

We finished with 33 seconds to spare.

Every other night, I'll wake up to his needy ass pressing against me. We don't sleep in the same bed, he just tends to wander.

We're in prison, not a whore house. But, he is cute...


Daniel and I have been together since March of 2022. Its now December 2023. We've had fun. We will continue to have fun. We are a good couple. We are good together. This will work out. Things will be fine.


The other prisoners found out we fucked. They didn't really care but then suddenly, everyone wanted to fuck Neo. I felt awful, he'd get literally harassed.

One of the bigger guys squeezed his ass and he looked at me for help. He had deep brown eyes and he reminded me of George. I couldn't just watch him struggle so I stood up and told the other prisoner to back the fuck up.

He started laughing like I wasn't being serious.

"Aww, are we fucking with your little boyfriend? What are you going to do about it, huh?"

I punched him. Nobody disrespects me. No one disrespects who I sleep with. Neo reminds me so much of George. I punched the guy again, hand starting to ache, but I didn't stop.

There goes my good behaviour.

Twenty minutes later and I'm sat in the visitor room, Except now, I'm face to face with my lawyer. He's telling me how they're extending my sentence to January 2025 because of my bad behaviour.

That's okay. That's a lot better than I thought it would be. Plus, I'm getting out earlier than my original sentence still, which is perfect.

However, they did transfer my cell mate. Not even to a new cell, but to a new prison. One further up state. It was nicer than here, according to the other guys.


He didn't deserve the shit he got here.

It was fun while it lasted.

I'm actually slightly relived he's gone. I don't have the fear of the guards catching us or the guys hearing us. Not that they did, we were always quiet. And that also provided us some sort of rush. But there's no 'us' anymore. So I have nothing to worry about.

But sometimes I did feel guilty after. Like I shouldn't be doing this. Not because I'm in prison, no, no. But because of George and how he'd feel if he found out. Would he care? Does he care about me anymore?

It bothered me when I found out he fucked Daniel. I mean mostly because he's an asshole and George deserved so much better than how Daniel treated him. He wouldn't be stupid enough to even think about going down that route again.

No, no. My Georgie knows better.

I got called into the visitors room again. My lawyer was, again, sat in front of me.

"You're getting out December 25th 2024."

"What? But I got in a fight."

"Someone reviewed your case and agreed you fought with respectable reason."

"Oh shit. Wow. Okay. Thank You."

"You're very welcome."


I should've left.

But here we are again. Doing this same fucking countdown.

However, something new, the couch has changed this year. I bought a new one because the old one was scruffy and didn't fit the modernistic vibe of the living room.







I noticed Daniel wasn't counting with me and I turned to look at him.

Oh no.


He was on one knee.


He was holding a ring.


Oh god. Oh no.

"George? Will you...?"



1138 Words

Oh shit oh shit oh shit.......

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