Chapter 42: Yes, Yes We Will

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He was already hooked.

What is Clay doing?


George POV

As soon as Nick left I called Clay. I was a little disappointed he didn't come. He's the only person I felt drawn to and I feel like he'd be my best chance at triggering my memories.

I rang him twice before he picked up.


"Hey, I missed you today. Are you okay?"

"You have nothing to miss. You don't know who I am." his tone was cold, careless.

"You're hurting me."

"I'm hurting you?"

"I'm trying to be the person you want me to be. You said you'd help."

I was trying to hold back tears. He's not been like this before. I don't understand.

"I know. I know." he took a deep breath out, "I'm sorry, George. I'll make it up to you. I'll come see you."



"Visiting hours are over."

"I know. But I'll find a way."

"Couldn't you get in trouble?"

"A little. I don't mind."

"Okay, okay."


"Yes." I giggled.

"I'll see you in twenty minutes."


"Bye, Georgie."

"Bye, Clay."

I was excited to say the least.

I want to know more about him. People have been telling me things about myself that I should already know. Some parts more interesting than others. Nick mentioned that we used to stream a lot. That sounded fun. Maybe we could try that when I get discharged.

I have millions of followers and I don't know what to do with them.

All they know is that both me and Clay have been in an accident and we're unsure if/when we are returning to streaming.

I'm constantly getting this flood of support from people I don't know. I was reading through messages when I heard a knock at my door. I jumped a little, I didn't realise it had been twenty minutes already.

I skipped over to the door, unlocking it and opening it up. He was stood, beaming. He has chocolate raisins with him.

"For me?"

"Of course."

I grabbed his arm and pulled him in, checking the corridors before shutting the door and locking it again.

"Hey." Clay motioned over to my bed.

"Hey, stranger."

"Ouch." He pretended to be hurt, "Get in bed. You aren't meant to be out."

"I know, I know. You aren't meant to be here." I climbed back into bed.

"True, very true. You're thrilled that I am, though."

I scoffed. "Yeah, yeah."

I patted the bed next to me and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Judging by those pictures on my camera roll, we've done way more than just lie in bed. Come, sit down."

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