Chapter 20: Acceptance

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Our forever was as long as possible.

We agreed.

Maybe our forever is over.


It's been month since I read the letters. That makes it six months without Clay. That's almost longer than we were together.

Nick's going home next week. It's time. He has school and family and things to do over there. I don't need him anymore. I've improved. Physically, and emotionally. He's better too. We're both doing well.

I'd been thinking everything over so it could get to the point where I wouldn't obsess over it anymore. I talk to people now, my first stream in over six months is scheduled for this Friday.

Me and Nick have still been making videos but I couldn't look at the comments. I don't look at Twitter anymore either. Everyone misses dream. So do I.

I've come to the conclusion that I didn't love him anymore. I still loved the old him. The one that was never coming back. The one that broke my heart. But he wasn't himself anymore.

That's okay. It just wasn't meant to be.

That's been the most difficult thing to accept.

I've been meeting Daniel a lot more, to Nick's disappointment. I really think he's changed. We meet up every other day for a coffee and we go on my daily walk together. It's refreshing.

It's just like old times. Happy times.

Nick doesn't like him or trust him but he knows I do, so he puts up with him. He's not friendly but he's not rude. That's okay. That's a start.

I'm meeting up with Daniel today, actually. He's picking me up in five.

Actually, he's here now. He text me, "I'm outside:)"

"Nick I'm going out."


"Cafe. Danny's taking me."

"Ew. Okay. Whatever."

"Love you."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Hey, Nick?"


"Have you seen my letter?"

"The one you wrote or the ones he wrote you?"

"The one I wrote."

"Oh. I posted it the other day."


"I wasn't going to, but I wrote one too so I posted them together."

"I wasn't going to post mine. It was just a creative outlet. It wasn't meant to ACTUALLY GO TO HIM."

"Chill. There's not much I can do now."

"Yeah, I guess not. Thanks a lot though." I added, sarcasm flooding the sentence.

"You are so welcome, George." He smiled at me, not in a polite way. In a fuck-off-i-can't-take-it-back-so-stop-being-a-dick-about-it, type way.

For fuck sake. I can't even remember what I wrote. I left the house angry but a smile plastered itself across my face when I saw Daniels car.

He hopped out and came to open the door for me. He still looked at me the same with those blue eyes of his. He still smiled just as wide when he saw me. His hair was still fluffy and well kept. He still smelt like him. He's still the guy I fell in love with a year ago.

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