Chapter 40: Wait, Wait, Wait

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"I don't know what you've done, young man, but it's worked."

"I'm not following."

"He moved."


Dream POV

I was running. Straight to the hospital. I was nearly there already and I couldn't believe it was happening.

He moved. He fucking moved.

He was probably up by now, talking and moving. I can't wait to hear his voice. I've missed it so much.

My heart was racing and my head was pounding. I haven't run this fast in years. I needed to get there.

His sister was on her way there too, but she was a whole hour away. I was already running up the stairs to his floor in the hospital.

Nick called me.

I answered, breathless.

"Clay?? Are you there?? I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"What for? He's getting better. He's waking up."

"I'm sorry for doubting you."

"You didn't doubt me, Nick, you doubted George."

"I know. I'm sorry. And thank you. For not giving up on him."

"Someone had to believe in him."

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. We were both so nervous. George was awake. A month of nothing and now he's waking up. He's moving. He's alive.



"I lied."

"About which part?"

"Believing in him. In truth, I was just too stubborn to let him go."

"And for once, you being that stubborn, did some good in this world."

"It did indeed."

I kept running.

"I'm nearly there."

"Keep me on the call, please?"

"Yes, yes. Of course." I paused. "Nick?"


"I'm scared."

"Don't be. It's George. He loves you."

"What if he blames me?"

"The only person that blames you, is yourself, Clay."

"I know, I know... I'm here. I'm on the other side of the door. I see him. Oh god. I see him."

"Open the door, you idiot."

"I am, I am."

I lowered the phone and locked eyes with George for the first time in a month. I couldn't help but smile.

He gave me a quick smile and then turned back to the nurses to carry on talking.

Why wasn't he excited?

"I don't get it."

Nick was talking at me from the phone but none of it was processing.

A nurse came up to me before I got to George and sat me on a nearby bed.

"Hi, Clay."

"I need to see George."

"And you can. I have some unfortunate news, beforehand. George seems to be suffering from retrograde amnesia. This means that he's lost some of his previous memories. This could last days, weeks, months, years; we're still unsure as to how severe it is. I'm telling you this now as he doesn't seem to remember anything about the accident. Or any occurrences before it. I don't know the extent of his memory loss but I don't think it's looking good."

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