Chapter 30: New Years (Going Into 2023)

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I'll put this at the top of every chapter it correlates to.

George - anything he says/thinks or that happens on his end, this is what it'll look like.

Dream: Anything he says/thinks or that happens on his end, this is what it'll look like

This is because I'm switching between the twos POV fast and often but I promise it won't be too confusing.

We don't get much of that here. By that, I mean things to enjoy. So when we eventually do, we sure as hell take advantage of the opportunity.


Its December 31st, 2022. Me and Daniel have been together for nine months now, we made it official back in March. He moved in late August.

Nick wasn't supportive at first and even Karl asked me if I'd really thought this through. Alex just doesn't like him at all and that's not going to change.

I thought if they saw how much I liked him, their opinions would change.

So, we had Christmas together this year. My house. Nick, Karl and Alex. Me and Daniel.

Nick arrived first, Karl second and Alex last. Nick didn't like him but wanted to be civil, so he shook Daniel's hand as he came through the door. I was very impressed with him for being so mature but seeing as he's 21 now, it made sense. He's not nineteen year old Sapnap anymore. This is Nick.

Karl gave him an awkward nod and walked in to give me a hug. I'd never hugged Karl before, but he just fits perfectly and it's so warm. He rambled on to me about the plane ride and the airport. He had so much to say.

They were all staying the night and then they'd planned to tour some parts of the UK before going home for New Years. I told them they could stay but Alex was adamant he wouldn't want to stay more than an hour with 'your asshole of a boyfriend'. It hurt but I brushed it off.

When Alex came in he smiled to greet me, completely ignoring Daniels presence. He said hi to the other boys, making it his sole purpose to pretend Daniel didn't exist.


A year and nine months in this hell hole. Though, I am getting out earlier due to good behaviour. It's been decided. It can be changed if I start anything, but for now, I'm on schedule to be out by December 2024 instead of February 2025.

I don't know what to do. Do I call Nick? I'm definetly not calling George. Do I just go home? Oh god, I'll have to see my parents again. And Drista. Shit.

Well, I don't have to see anyone until February 2025 because that's when they all think I'll be out. I can prepare. I can fix things. I can get used to being out. I can eat some good fucking food. I missed that.

I could see Nick. I could see Patches. Oh wait. No I can't. She's with George.

Do I go to the UK?

Is that a good idea?

Probably not. But I'll most likely do it anyways.


I'd set the food out and everyone was piling their plates. Nick especially but that wasn't important. Alex was still sat, glaring at me and Daniel.

What's his problem?

"Alex, can I talk to you outside for a second?" I asked.


I got up and squeezed Daniel's hand reassuringly. I needed to do this. I also hoped that Nick and Karl would just keep casual conversation whilst I was gone.

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