Chapter 19: Regards, Clay

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"Do I have to admit you're right?"

"No, I'll take this as a personal win and call it a night."

"Thank you, Nick."



Dream POV

No new fights since I saw George. It pained me, seeing him run away like he did, but I completely understood. Nick's looking after him. That's all I wanted.

I've been writing letters. Every other day. They were being sent to George currently. That's what the guards told me, anyways.

My mom requested to see me. I didn't let her. I didn't want her to see me like this. I didn't want any of them to see me like this.

I wonder what George is doing. These letters will provide him with the idea to write to me. It almost gives him my permission in some way. Though, what's in them, may put him off from doing so. I didn't mean for them to get angrier. They just became that way.

I wasn't getting beaten up every two seconds now. Improvements people, improvements.

It was almost becoming easier to live in this hell hole and I was actually making, dare I say, friends. Maybe not the best thing, considering all of them are criminals, but it's better than making enemies. Oh, and I'm technically one of them too.

George POV

We got post today. Mail. Letters.

We got letters delivered.

They came in a box and there were about ten of them. They were from Clay - I saw the address. I was scared to open them. I was trying to put it off as long as possible.

After my mishap a week ago, I'd been trying to better myself. I go on daily walks and I go to this group meeting once a week. I've met people there who, not only understand what I'm going through, but can almost relate to what I say. It's comforting.

Not that they can relate to their hearts being put through hell, but the fact I can talk openly about it without fear of judgement.

But none of that's important.

What's important is what's in those letters.

I sat at the dining table with Nick and slowly but surely opened the first one.

I gave it to Nick to read out because I definitely couldn't. I wasn't strong enough right now. But that's okay.

"To Nick and George,

You've just left. That was the last time I'll see you both for four years. It was a selfish decision but I just don't want you to see me in the state I'm in. George's face confirmed that you'd be terrified. Probably for me, not of me, but it still hurt to see George run away.

I don't blame him. It's okay. It was a lot and he was overwhelmed.

Anyways, the positives. Every other day they give me a letter to write, courtesy of my lawyers again. I can send them whenever I want. I've stock piled these to send them all to you.

I hope you enjoy.

Love from, Clay"

I just stared. We had nine more to go. They were short, not longer than two or three paragraphs, but it amazed me that these were coming directly from him. From all the way over there.

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