Chapter 14: Moral Support

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I collapsed to the floor and everything went black.


George POV

I woke to a knocking at the door. I'm not sure how long I'd been out. I tried to ignore it but they kept knocking. So I opened it. Nick was stood there. He dropped his bags and brought me in for a hug.

I cried into his shoulder and he held me. We stayed like this for a good couple of minutes, not wanting to let go.

But we had to. He brought himself and his bags into the house and closed the door.

"How long has it been since you called me?"

"Like eight hours. I'm sorry I took so long..."

"No, no it's fine. I passed out that's all. I wanted to know how long I'd been out."

"You what? Are you okay?"

"Stupid question."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry."


I walked into the living room and collapsed on the sofa. It was cold. It was lonely. I still had the letter in my hand. I must've read it a thousand times.

"Did you know? That he was going to turn himself in?"


"He just did it?"


"I don't understand. He told me the other day things were going well."

"They were. Last night we.. we had so much fun and we were both happy. Well, after we argued."

"What did you argue about?"

"Nothing. It doesn't matter."

"I feel like it's probably relevant to our situation right now George."

"It's not. Drop it."

"He told me you weren't eating. And you barely slept."

"He told you that?"

"Yeah, he kept me updated. On you and how you were doing. Because I know you don't like talking about that kind of stuff."

"It was going well."

"In the voicemail he mentioned something about you seeing Noah?"

Oh yeah. He left Nick a voicemail.

"Can I listen to it?"

"Yeah, yeah of course."

I brought my phone out because I wanted to record it. This might be the last time I hear his voice for a while.

"I'll leave you to listen. I'm going to unpack and order food. Call for me if you need me."


He gave me his phone, voicemail open.

I took a deep breath. I smiled at Nick as he left the room and pressed record on my phone.

*New voice message from (555)555-1234*

"Hey Nick, it's Clay. Of course you already knew this I'm just trying to get this right."

I cried. I could hear him. He was talking.

"This is going to be a long one. It's going to be hard to listen to but all of this needs to be heard. First, I'm in prison. I thought I'd get it over and done with. Well, not right now, but I will be. I did something so very bad, Nick. I'm paying for it now.

Let's start with when we left the boat. I already had a plan. I didn't know how I'd carry it out but I would. We got home and we talked. Remember that? Do you remember when I mentioned that I'd do anything to protect George and I felt this urge to keep him safe? Do you remember when I said it was so bad, that George is the only thing I think about? I said that he's the only thing I want to see and he's the only reason I breathe.

I was obsessed. I still am.

I killed Noah, Sap. I have to say it eventually so there we are. I killed someone. Well, I hired someone to kill him. I made the guy put Noah's body in Noah's car so I could burn it. It was my way of saying 'fuck you', you know? My plan originally was to drop George off after you left. After you got on the plane me and George went home. I told him what I was planning to do. I was planning to commit arson. The murder was already done so I was being mostly truthful.

I brought George with me. He lit the car on fire. Everything was fine. Well, it was going to plan, I mean. George went home for Christmas and I felt like I couldn't breathe. This obsession was killing me. I tried to live that week without George and every time I opened my eyes and he wasn't there, it physically hurt.

This was unhealthy. This was unorthodox.

When George came back, he was immediately taken to the police station for questioning. He was scared, I've never seen him like that before. I did that to him. I was hurting him and that was hurting me.

So I tried to make him happy. I tried everything. Nothing worked. George wasn't the same. And it was my fault. He was jittery and he was always nervous. He barely got any sleep and he rarely ate. I was breaking George.

I couldn't bare it. We got in an argument and he said that I was addictive. That he wanted to leave but he just couldn't. So I decided then and there, I'd leave him. It's better for him. It's all for him. Everything I do. So I decided to hand myself in. It'll make me feel better as a person and it'll give George time to heal. I'm selfish. I want him to wait for me, but I can't force him to do that. It's his choice. Four years is a long time and I can't make him wait.

As for you, Nick. I love you. Look out for George. Keep him safe. Try make him happy. Keep yourself safe too. Don't stop. Do what you want. Be who you want to be. You can do that without me. You're both smart and strong and completely capable of living your lives without me.

It won't be for long.

And I'd also understand if you don't welcome me back with open arms. I accept that this is a lot and it was selfish of me to just leave but it'll be better in the long run I promise.

I love you both. I have to go now.


Just goodbye?

That wasn't enough.

I cried hugging Nick's phone. I stopped the recording on my phone and shouted for him.


"George? Are you alright?"


He came running and held me once again.

I handed Nick the letter and watched as he read it.

His face crumpled slowly as he did, eyes beginning to fill with tears.

He didn't let himself cry, though. He wiped his eyes and told me how things were going to be okay.

There was a knock at the door and food had arrived. I couldn't eat. Even the smell made my stomach churn. I ran to the bathroom and threw up again.

What the fuck do I do now?


1185 Words


So you came here looking for dnf stories huh?

Well, whilst dreams in prison, you'll be getting none of that.

They do see eachother again.

Just at a much different time.

A much different circumstance.

Anything For You, Dream - {DNF} //BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now