Chapter 44: The End.

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He was rocking back and forward on the floor, arms wrapped around his legs, hugging them tight.

"I remember."


Dream POV

"What do you remember??"

"Everything. All of it. Oh god. Oh no..."

He started standing up, backing away. His eyes were darting all around the room, choosing to look anywhere but at me.

"George... Be careful."

I reached out a hand to calm him down but he slapped it away and ran upstairs. I heard his door slam and then silence.

In the past minute, everything has changed. So I did the most logical thing there was to do. I called Nick.

"Clay? What's up?"

"He remembers. Everything."

"George? Where is he? Are you both okay?"

"We're fine. Well, he's not. He doesn't want to see me. Come help, please."

"You're at the hospital?"

"George's house."

"He got discharged already? I'm at the hotel, I'll be ten minutes. Just hang in there okay?"

"I haven't got much else to do."

I could think of a few things. As soon as Nick ended the call, I went to the kitchen and glanced at the alcohol. It was momentary but now I know it's there, it looks really drinkable. I just wanted to calm down. Maybe a shot would take the edge off. It did before right?

I'm looking for a way out of dealing with this. I can't. It's too much. I don't even know how George is right now. I know he's upset with me but how do I fix it?

I won't drink. It won't help. It never does. Instead, I grabbed a glass of water and splashed my face a little.

Let's not make this worse.

Does he hate me? Does he blame me? I'd understand if he did. I ruined his life and then took advantage of the fact he couldn't remember any of it.

That sounds awful when you put it like that. I was trying to help get his memories back.

I was about to go for my second glass of water when I heard a small, "Clay?"

I turned around instantly and followed the sound of his voice. "George?"

"Come up here, please."

I hesitated.

"Are you sure?"


I was scared. This could go so many ways. I just wanted things to be okay.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and was met with a very small, a very tired looking George.

"I don't want to talk about this right now."

"But George-"

"No. I'm tired. I'm sad. I want to sleep. Now, you either sleep with me, or you just lie in the bed. I don't mind which. I'm not sleeping alone. I need you right now."

"Okay. We can sleep."


"But we have to talk about everything in the morning. You can't just ignore this. I need to know how you feel."

Anything For You, Dream - {DNF} //BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now