Chapter 7: I'm in Love

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I wasn't looking forward to the drive back, though. It was still dark-ish considering its winter and there was light snow. Not fun to drive in.


Dream POV

I'm glad George got me out of bed. Christmas was more fun then I ever thought it could be without him. Yes, I missed him, but that doesn't mean life has to stop. That doesn't mean I have to stop.

Christmas came and went. I occupied my time as the days went by, knowing that it will all lead me to seeing George. I was aware that George was having a good time too, he called me everyday. Multiple times, actually.

Asking what I was doing, if I had eaten. Asked if I had slept, what I had planned for the day. He was still looking after me from so far away. And I loved him even more for it.

It was Friday. George was flying back Saturday morning and getting here late at night.

I was more than excited. I was ecstatic. This week flew by and I'm glad. I thought time was going to slow down and days would immediately lengthen just because Time was going to be a dick.

Time had taken George away from me and Time was going to be a dick about it. If that makes sense. George had to leave because Time progressed too quickly. I know Time doesn't have a physical matter but if it did, it would be the guy at the back of the class that throws stuff at people for fun. I don't know why. That's how I imagine Time. The same with the Weather. But he's more sophisticated, well dressed. And don't even get me started on the Sun.

Clearly, I'm going insane without George.

George POV

Christmas was lovely. After I drove back I helped my sister cook. The food was great. We were surprisingly good at cooking.

The next few days we spent lounging or going on small walks. Visiting places we used to go as kids. All simple ways to pass time. The last night I brought all my prepacked bags round to the house because she was driving me to the airport tomorrow.

We were just sat watching a film, chatting. I was lifting my hoodie up to take it off because I was too warm and I completely forgot about the scar.

She saw it.

My sister's a nurse. She knows what it is. She knows what it's from.

Yet, she still asked, "George? What's that?"

"It's nothing."

I knew there was no point in trying to hide it but I did anyway. I didn't want to talk about it.

" did you...? I'm just going to wait until you tell me. What have you been doing? Was it Clay? Does he hurt you??"

"What?? No, it's not Clay. It wasn't him. I promise. He helped me get better after it all happened."

"After what happened, George?"

So I told her. I told her everything.

The blackmail, the almost drowning. The stabbing and the recovery. Why I took five extra weeks. Not the arson, though. She definitely wouldn't approve of that.

"You're not going back."

"Excuse me?"

"I said you're not going back."

"Just because you're older than me, doesn't mean you get to be my motherly figure, okay? I'm fine by myself."

"Clearly not if you're getting stabbed. What the hell, George?? Why don't you just stay here? Where you're safe."

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