Chapter 39: Warmth (Finale pt.2)

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Years after y/n left and went to repay her debts of her being resurrected to her now model father, she continued living a luxurious life as a ruler of her father's kingdom. Feeling something missing, she knew deep down in her heart that she wanted to see her lover again.

"Y/n" His highness, Rem Arlond, called her

"Y-yes father?" She bowed to show respect.

"Do you not feel lonely?"

"I would be lying if I said I didn't, would I? Father"

He scoffed at his intelligent daughter's remark. He definitely saw a brighter future of his daughter if she stayed with him but lately he sensed that you've grown sadder each day. As a father, this has also saddened him.

"The kingdom has been in good shape these past few years hasn't it?

"Yes father, it really is quite peaceful, considering that this is the underworld"
Y/n replied in a rather monotone voice.

"I think you already paid your debt, y/n. It's time for me to let you go and continue living your youth."

Your eyes widened and you began tearing up, you are confused to whether to feel saddened or joyful. You looked up to his highness as if he was your real father. He hugged you one last time before parting his goodbyes.

After preparing everything to return home, you said goodbye to all of your subordinates...


Y/n's POV

I arrived at my house, felt a little teary. I really missed everyone...

I hesitated to knock on the door.

"Mi'lady..." A familiar voice rung... It was claude. I turned around and saw him.

"I'm back"

"It really is you... I shall call Chloe and inform her about this"

Ah yes! Chloe... I wonder how she has been.

"Call her? Is she not home?"

"Sadly no, she is visiting Mr. Akabane."

Karma... Oh how I miss him... Does he feel the same way?

"When did they get close?"

"Eversince you left... Would you like to see Mr. Akabane?"

"Is it bad?" I giggled, although, I saw sadness in his eyes... I wonder why. He led me to the car and drove off...

Some time later

"Claude, this isn't his house. Why are we in a hospital?"

He remained silent, he started walking and so I followed him... I felt something isn't right. He stopped infront of a door, he knocked and opened the door.

I saw a girl, right about in her teenage years, tending a person on the hospital bed. She turned around and looked at me in shock...

"Chloe?" I muttered

She ran and hug me so tight, she really missed me.

"What are you doing here?"

She looked sad, and points at the divider... Telling me to look as she hugged me one last time and both claude and her left. Felt left out so I looked what's behind the divider...

"This smell... Y/n? Is that you?" I was shocked at what I saw... It was karma, but that beautiful color of his eyes are gone.

I remained silent 

"I know its you... You came back like you promised..."

"Karma... What happened?" I come closer as I tried to hold back my tears

"Car accident"

"I'm sorry... Because I left you alone..."

"It wasn't your fault silly, when did you became so soft y/n?" He laughed

I hugged him oh so tight... This warm feeling... I missed it

"Y/n... Even though I can no longer see, I still know that you are as beautiful as you were back then... So don't be sad..."

"Bakabane! When did you became soft too huh?!"

"When I fell inlove with you?" He scoffed...

Ahhhh... This warm feeling eases me... I don't ever wanna leave. I love you Karma... I'll always do...


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