Chapter 33: Who really am I?

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Y/n' POV

Everything blacked out... My mind's blacked out... What... What happend? 

"Poor you" Someone mumbled, I looked behind me and its... Its the dark side of me, the side of me whom I never want to see...

"Guess brother didn't love us afterall" She scoffed. "Brother loves ME"

"Then why did he leave you alone if he really did?" She laughed. Those words hurt me, like a spear struck my heart, I was unable to answer.

She grinned

"No one will ever love you, not even your parents could handle you, not Karma, not Chen, not even yourself. You are bound to this crappy demon fate, and you have no choice."

She is right... "Stop..."

"Stop?!" Million of voices shouted, and people started to circle up around me... But... They have masks on...

"You killed us! You forgot about us! We didn't do anything to you! And yet your thirst for killing made you do it!" They shouted while pointing their fingers at me...

I don't understand... Who... Who are they...

"You murderer! You devil!" They kept shouting. I looked at the other me and she frowned... "You locked then up deep in your memories. YOU locked me up" She bluntly stated, "Who... Who really are you?"
"I'm your thirst of murdering, y/n. I'm the one who did all the killing, back when you were a mortal of course. You tried to stop me but it didn't work until you died!"

"I... I don't understand..." I stated in shock

"Rem arlond, the demon king, took your soul and you were reborn as a devil for all the murders WE did, but he locked me up... No... You locked me... You locked everything out from your memories"

"What do you mean..."

"Your mortal parents didn't abuse you... You were hallucinating, making your own new world, where YOU are a victim. Okuda didn't steal Karma from you, that was all on your head!" She shouted...

"You killed us! You killed us" They started chanting...

"STOP! I... I just want to be forgiven! I didn't mean for it to happen... I didn't know... I really... I want to repent... I already regret everything!" I cried, but she just laughed...

She walked towards me

"If you really did... Then why am I here?" She grinned, "Now that I am free, I can take over and do the work"


"No? You can't stop me anymore y/n!!!!!" She shouted

"I will... I will accept whatever punishment the world has in stored for me..."

"Then defeat me"

Oof short chapter

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