Chapter 16: A war for LOVE! Asano Vs Karma!

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  I MUST BE LOSING MY MIND SAYING THAT!! ''Y-you're a PSYCHOPATH!!'' They both said while walking away from us both..I sighed from exhaustion,''I am kinda surprise 'ya know. ididn't really expected you to be that....demonic.''Nagisa said to me in a sweet voice.''Who wouldn't have fought back then they would keep on bullying us.'' I said in an annoyed voice.   I told Nagisa that I am ditching. He told me that he would keep it as a secret...I then went in the middle of ze nature..and rested for awhile, I sat down on my favorite tree because......IT'S MY FAVORITE....I hear footsteps but I didn't really mind it.. ''Kachak...Kachak...'''I hear camera noises and so I was annoyed that I got up and saw bakabane ..I was blushing because...because...I WAS ON HIS LAP FOR DEMON'S SAKE!!! I almost fainted...''K-K-K-Karma?!!!! WAT THE HECK DUDE!! I WAS HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE HERE AND YOU RUINED IT!!'' ''Really (Y/n)~chan?? It does look like you are having the time of your life...with me of course~<3''.''Say...Karma, you said you love me right? So...What if I say I Love You too??'' ''OF COURSE I WOULD BE SENT TO HEAVEN!!!''...................I blushed a little but i know that this isn't the right time...yet.....I will just look for the correct timing but for now...i am just gonna have some fun :) 


  Karma's POV!!! (Finally I started with Karma's POV!!)

  'Tsk....Because of that stupid asano, I can't concentrate on resting! Ugh this pisses me off' i thought.. I started to take a shower..The usual thing 'ya know! ''I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE (Y/n)~CHAN TODAY!!'' I shouted like a madman.''Karrrrmmmmmmmaaaa.....STOP MESSING AROUND AND COME DOWNSTAIRS!!! BREAKFAST IS READY!!'' My mom shouted like she is annoyed at me. After I got dressed in my school uniform, I wondered about something...''BTW, I wonder when will (Y/n)~chan's uniform arrive or when her hair will grow long. But anywho, she still looks beautiful in anything.''.......i hurriedly went downstairs and ditched breakfast!! ''OI KARMA!! THAT WAS RUDE OF YOU TO NOT EAT MY DELICIOUS BREAKFAST!!'' Mom shouted at me again while I am running,''Okasan!! I am going to be late!! BYESSZZZZ'' I shouted with a bread in my  mouth, ''I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE MY DARLING (Y/n)!!'' I said while running off in a dash...


 Y/n's POV!!

  ~Just woke up *YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNN*......I opened my eyes as I turned off my alarm clock. ''I am probably late....OH WELP!! NOT THAT I CARE ANYWAYS!!'' I talked to myself while I am hearing Claude's harsh footsteps. ''MY LADY!! YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE!! PLEASE HURRY UP!!'' He said while banging my door...I did my daily routine,got dressed, went dowstairs for breakfast and we were talking about letting Chloe go to school. Claude agreed and so he did the papers and such while I was driving to this stupid school...

Asano's POV

A new day to challenge some low~headed students a.k.a class 3~E..Except for (Y/n) of course ;)... I wonder what challenge should I come up for the upcoming exams heheheh...Of course, I would win and so, (Y/n)~chan will be miiiiinnnnneeeeee!!!

Back to Karma's POV

''Hmm? I wonder what took (Y/n)~chan so long..Oh welp, it is worth the wait anyways ~tehee'' I smirked. I noticed Okuda keeps looking OR staring at me,it kinda bothers me but....Let's just play with her for awhile ;).... I heard (Y/n)~chan's LAZY footsteps!! She then harshily opened the door.. ''Domo Minna san!'' She said with an annoyed look while going toward her seat..SHE IS SO DAMN CUTE I JUST CAN'T HELP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''Ok class! It is time!'' Koro~sensei suddenly announced as (Y/n)~channy is sitting down. ''Time for WHAT??'' Everyone asked in surprise.''Time for studying for your exams of course!'' K~sensei added. ''Oh? I bet we'll rock in that exams in no time teach~'' I smirked, then, K~sensei started teaching us in Mach 20..We all have different headbands heheh...Terasaka got a naruto one.. I got a Japanese headband and so did (Y/n)~chan..I tried eliminating K~sensei but ended up scolded, ''You are such an idiot you know that??'' (Y/n)~chan laughed at me like crazy...I was happy to see her smiling at times like this. Maybe she is not just some lazy person...BUT ALSO A REALLY CUTE ONE!!


''Kakoiii!!!!!!!'' I screamed in enlightment for the food is amazingly delicious.''Shut up moron!'' (Y/n) scolded me.''Thanks (Y/n)~chan, for the food! It is so delicious.'' I bowed to her..Today, she gave me a bento box filled with DELIIIIICCCCCCCCIIIIIOOOOUUSSSSSS foods inside it. ''I didn't know you were this good (Y/n)~chan! How?'' I asked stuffing myself with food. ''Well, I studied at Totsuki when I was 12 and Extreme Gastronomy a year after that. I graduated at Totsuki when I was 15 and on top of that I was first. But, I forgot I got the skills of cooking through the years when I started being an agent.....'' (Y/n)~chan told me, the fell flat.''COOL!! JUST AS I EXPECTE-'' ''Oh? You guys having fun without me??'' A familiar voice cut me off. ''Oh hey brother..Wanna join us?'' (Y/n)~chan stood up..''Brother ?what are you talking abo-.....HE'S YOUR BROTHER!'' I said standing shocked when I saw Asano...''Oh sorry, I forgot to mention he is just a fake brother. TBH we are just childhood friends.'' (Y/n)~chan added....''Oh? So YOU ARE acquainted with Mr. Bakabane here dear sissy...'' He laughed..''Oh i forgot, I have something to do.. Sayunara!'' She left us both alone...''What are you plotting Karma?'' Asano said in an angry face..''WELL i was planning on keeping her by myself though ;)'' I smirked...''Pfft let's see about that'' Asano said with that smirk too!! HE IS COPYING MEH!! But I knew that from that moment on, there is going to be a war of love....


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