Chapter 37: Parents

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Short chapter

Y/n's POV

Gets poked

"Ohayooooo" Karma greeted me with a huge smile.

"Ugh what now?"
"I thought we are going to go see your parents? Asano and the gang are on their way here" He said as he kissed me on the forehead.

"Get up sleepyhead, or do you want another round?" He grinned. I jolted out of my bed and stood up but failed.

"Karma... I can't walk" Oopsies, I wonder why.

"Let's reschedule?" He chuckled as he looked down at me.
"So that we can continue where we left-" I put ny hand on his mouth, I didn't wanna talk about it. I stood up, my legs still shaking, looking at him and telling him that I can walk and do it today.

He sighed and he quickly carried me.
"Y/n is so stubborn." He rolled his eyes at me as I blushed from his sudden actions.
He then proceeded to carry me to the kitchen, sat me down and served my favorite food.
It actually looked professionally done. I took a bite out of it and it was delicious!

"Ding Dong"

The doorbell rang, Karma went to go see what's up while I continue eating.

"They're here!" Karma shouted as he welcomed the gang and ofcourse... Glaring at Asano, even Chen was there...

"Good morning Y/n" Asano greeted me.
"Good morning Asano!" I stood up (legs still shaking) to hug Asano.

"Y/n, your legs are shaking" Chen pointed out.
I blushed so hard I became red as a tomato. Karma grinned and Chen got the idea.

"Oops, my bad."

"Anyways, aren't we going?" Okuda asked.

"Uhm, I actually just woke up-"
"Go get yourself ready already!" Asano said as he looked away from me.  I sighed and continued eating then went upstairs to prepare myself while everyone is chatting in the living room (more like arguing to be honest).

After I got all dressed up, we went on our way to my parents' gravestone...



I slowly walked towards my Mother's and Father's gravestones. I bowed my head as to pay respect...

"I'm sorry..." These were the words that first came out of my mouth. I started to tear up, thinking that they never did anything wrong... It was all me... I was the problem.

"I know... You wouldn't forgive me for doing such thing. I didn't know what was happening. I was imagining things. I am a horrible child. I hope... You find it in your heart to forgive me, even just for a little bit." I clutched my chest as my heart started to hurt. I looked back at my friends who were also paying respect to my parents and looked back.

"I made some friends I never thought would have. I have a loving boyfriend, and I just wished I was good to the both of you. Wherever you are, just know that I am fine now. I have people that'll support me... I love you, Mom, Dad." As I said my parting words, a gust of wind suddenly appeared, as if it was a response to what I was saying... I looked at my friends and smiled at them. I'm so glad I made good friends.

The Lost One's Weeping (Karma X Demon/Lazy reader)Where stories live. Discover now