Chapter 13: Are you an Idiot or what? A NEW RIVAL!!

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''Nah..Loving someone stupid is such a pain!!!! Imma go to my room Claude.I'm not gonna eat,that pep talk we had just removed my appetite plus HONEY BUDDAH CHIPS ARE WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY MORE BETTER THAN THOSE VEGGIES OR SOMETHING!'' I said while joyfully,excitingly going to my room..Leaving Claude which is covered with darkness.'I just remembered,tomorrow is sunday..hmmmm,what should I do? NAH! I WILL JUST SLEEP!' I thought  


Y/n's POV

A new day..A new time to be in a classroom of annoyance..Today I decided..For the frist time in forever to listen in class cause I am tired of being shouted out at class because of SLEEPING. Today is really annoying.We failed our assassination attempt.BUT this time..Little Ms. Goody a.k.a Okuda Manami asked Koro~pervert to drink her poison.........ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! If you want to poison your target, you should have not told him that it was poison or just snuck it in their food or drink or something! I am not surprised on what happend next though, Koro~pervert accepted it! Like, I mean, They are both idiots so whateves..

First poison: Koro~pervert grew horns..(Are you kidding me?)

Second Poison: K~perv grew wings...In his head..(This is gotta be a joke)

Third poison: K~~perv's expression is blank...completely blank..

Okuda blushed of the embarassment she had done but K~Perv told her that he would help her make a poison that would kill him. No way, he is just using her..If I would have been serious then he would have been dead by now BUT it wouldn't hurt to have some fun trying to kill him with thiss..Red~haired boy..with Crimson eyes...And that smirk...*BLUSH*

Karma: (L/n)~san..Why are you blushing? Is it because you are thinking about me? *smirks*

(Y/n): No..Apparantly I am just embarrassed of what our stupid classmate is going through..

Karma: PFFTT...You are a good tsundere  (L/n)~san..

(Y/n): Please shut up idiot...

While our conversation is going on, I noticed that Okuda keeps staring at me with ease. What the heck??


''God what a pain!!'' I said while streching myself up since the whole period was B-O-R-I-N-G....I decided that i wanna have lunch beside that tree in a distance..It is my favorite tree..

It is my favorite tree

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 I sat down beside it and enjoyed my lunch..I then realize that Karma is not here to bother me..Unusual yet a blessing...Today, my lunch is sashimi with pork cutlet...YUMMM!! I hear footsteps, I began to smell who it is and it is a feminine...Quite familiar but oh well..''Uhh.Hi(L/n)~san, can I join you??'' I saw Okuda while coming near me..''Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..Sure I don't mind.'' I smiled..I am trying to be nice since she haven't bothered meh..Not like Bakabane...We started talking and...I guess we became friends..We laughed..Giggled...And..talked (obviously)...We also shared lunch,she had tempura which is so FREAKING DELICIOUS!! ''Uhm..Do you like Karma (L/n)~san? Sorry to ask this.'' Okuda asked....''I-It's ok..I don't though, to be honest I hate him..'' I replied stuffing myself with sashimi.''Really? 'Cuz I like him...romantical-'' she as cutted off by something ''Ding dong ding dong'' The school bell rang which means it is time for class. We then hurried back to class 'cuz...I DON'T KNOW OKAY?! But the bell didn't stop ringing..which means this is something important..


What a drag, I forgot that I am a demon I could have just teleported to the classroom but oh well..''We will attend an all school assembly.Be ready to go at the main campus.'' Mr. Karasuma said coldly..The main campus is way far for me but we can't let anyone know our powers right?

The Lost One's Weeping (Karma X Demon/Lazy reader)Where stories live. Discover now