Chapter 20: The bullied Chloe...

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Previously on my little pony... Lol.

..."So karma, who do you like? From the girls i mean." Maehara asked. "Hmm, okuda-san?" Karma replied. My heart broke for some reason and tears won't stop rolling down from my eyes. "Damn you!" I said... "Is anyone there?" Someone asked. I ran off like a crazy madman... I mean... Madgirl off down the streets. "Why am I acting like this? It is not like i like him anyways... W-what? I-i don't understand." i stuttered... I immediately called the agency to ask if there was any mission available for me to cool myself up. "Your mission will start at exactly 12 sharp, goodluck" The man on the phone hunged up... Mission....

Chloe's  POV

Finally,  I get to go to school.  Onee-chan must be proud of me being this confident,  I can't  wait to meet new friends.  I may be a little weird but hey, stay positive. I can't keep calm since everyone is staring at me... Oh well...

*¤ne €ternity £ater*

"Thank God I got through that exams! My fingers hurt! Now I gotta go to meh classroom. Great, not tiring at all!"

*¤ne €ternity £ater of walking*

Oh mah gahd! Finally i am here. Better knock the door three times now just to be polite tehee~❤. I wonder if i will create new fwends.
*knock knock knock* *opens the door* "Oh, you must be Chloe (L/n). Now now everyone behave, Ms. Chloe, please introduce yourself." The teacher exclaimed. Everybody is staring at me... I can feel my knees shaking... "u-um, hello, my name is Chloe (L/n). I am looking forward to be friends with you all." I smiled, "Ha, yeah right! Loser!" Some boy shouted. I didn't know that there are people like that in here, oh well. The teacher will correct his mistakes later.

My adviser led me to my seat. I am in the backrow since i am tall enough to see.

-Lunch desu!!!-

"Hmmmm nothing's better than lunch!!" I exclaimed. "Hey there Chloe, want to have lunch together??" Sakura, my new made bff told me. I nodded yes of course and she led us both to a nice and peaceful place. I opened my bento box and it looks like it is a lunch box filled with gold. "Claude is the best butler in the world! He makes the best food!!" I exclaimed in excitement to eat thy food. "Uwaaahhhhh, gimme some!" Sakura whined. Of course i gave her. "Itadakimasu!" She said, after she ate she was crying in joy to eat such thing. "Why won't you give us some you losers!" someone behind the shadows said. After awhile, he revealed himself. "No way emman, you're always bullying everybody." Sakura defended while blocking her body on mine. Emman grabbed her collar and threw her "Sakura!, please don't hurt us...'' I begged, "Oh, theb you should get out of this school you loser, piece of trash, outsider, you... Crybaby!!" He shouted at me. Those words brings me back to when my mother left me. I was traumatized that i ran away. Each and every day, there is no time that he won't bully me... Help me... Please....

To be continued...

Poor Chloe, being bullied. All she she wanted was to make friendsh ya know *fake tears* lol. Hey it has been awhile since i updated and you know, i ran out of things to say so bye lol.

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