Chapter 14: School Assembly..Don't ever mess with me!!

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  What a drag, I forgot that I am a demon I could have just teleported to the classroom but oh well..''We will attend an all school assembly.Be ready to go at the main campus.'' Mr. Karasuma said coldly..The main campus is way far for me but we can't let anyone know our powers right?  


Y/n's POV

''Phew! WE'RE ALMOST THERE SUCKERS!!!'' I shouted at them leaving sugino and nagisa to be speechless and to be covered in the darkness.''We're sa lucky terasaka made it out all of the bees he just angered ahahaha.'' He laughed like an idiot,''Is everyone alright?'' Mr. Coldy a.k.a Karasuma that stupid asshole...''Of course not!! You think we would be okay climbing down to the bottom of this stupid mountain?? IT IS ANNOYING!!!'' I said in a stressed voice...''WAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTT FORRR MMMMMMEEEEE YOU GUYS!!'' Bitch sensei screamed hastely went to us and fell down to her knees...''Woah sensei..You look drained ahahah'' Sugino teased her,''YOU TRY WALKING IN NATURE ON HEELS!!'' and blah blah blah im too lazy to tell ya'll..


 Well, I wasn't surprised when we arrived at our destination, we were the ones being talked about....MOSTLY BULLIED...The session went on and I saw Mr. Coldy talky to Rio and the oranged-haired girl....I forgot her name but don't care......Everyone in the campus are looking at him with envy and jealousy then the Bitch came in.....EVERY BOY WAS LIKE ''OH MY GAH'' like seriously...who wouldn't fall inlove for a bitch like her..Then there is this someone taking over the stage...REPRESENTATIVE?? ''Okay! All the student counsel events are shown in the handouts that was given to you.'' The f___boy said...''Uh, excuse me sir...E- Class didn't receive any handouts.'' Isogai bravely said.''Oh really? That's kinda bizzare isn't it. well I am truly sorry, I was so sure that we have enough for everyone.Guess E-class has to memorize it from their neighbors.'' He began to laugh and so did everyone. I can't take this bulls____ anymore!!

Author's POV

(Y/n) began to walk towards the stage, not knowing what she would do. ''Hey, you are supposed to be the one that everyone looks up to, why are you acting up like a bitch right now huh? Say...Mister.....DO-YOU-WANT-TO-DIE? Because if you do then just call me okay?'' She gave him a demonic smile..The aura turned black ''BACK OFF CLASS E JERK!! BACK OFF!! OR ELSE I AM GONNA GET YOU SUSPENDED!!'' The pussycat shouted at her. She walked towards him but....someone hugged her....''Y/n!! Wake up!!'' A familiar voice went vibrating inside of her head..It was....ASANO!! ''Hey, will you stop this? The bullying thingy I mean..'' Asano fiercely smied at the pussycat that was lying down on the floor...''Uhh...What happend? Brother?'' Y/n was consciously rubbing her cute eyes that made our dear osana....i mean...Asano blush..But there you see a red haired boy from a distance...walking away..

Y/n's POV

It all ended...I can't believe I ended up angry..''Uhm...Nagisa..Y/n..We're going to head first.'' Isogai said, ''Sure, we're just gonna grab some drinks.'' He said...We were grabbing drinks but......''Yo Nagisa!'' Two upperclassmen were standing infront of us..''Ya'll proud of yourselves? Acting like you have the time of your lives! Laughing during assembly? Not cool..You bums ever hear of respect?'' One of the humans said...''Why don't you ask yourselve 'bout that then huh? Bullying others is no sign of respect at all.'' I giggled.''What did you say?!! Do you want me to kill you?'' One held my tie off...''Pffttt...Kill?? Like you've got the balls to do so, go right ahead..I don't even think you have a ball yourself....'' I said in a demonic voice

.............TO BE CONTINUED

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