Chapter 9: The BItch Acts!!

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I feel like i'm forgetting something..Oh,that one!

Y/n's POV

 ''Today is still friday..And I am gaddamn late for school!!! Oh nonononono....Why do I care anyway? Whatever..too lazy to think about such thing.'' I said.I hurriedly went to the showers and the usual thing and then went to my garage and then to school.....'what a pain...'

=School you baka!=

 After I parked my car,I ran to the school hallways...''What is this new smell?'' I though of myself.This is an unusual smell I never smelled of....A woman? A female,she's about 170 cm (5'7"), she weighs for about 50 kg (110 lbs)..An assassin..I see..I activated my demon prowess without even knowing it lolol...WHATEVER!


A/n: REALLY??!!!

Y/n: Your a troublesome author...why me?!

A/n: You won't regret it hihihi *smirks*

___back to the story people!____

I opened the door and saw karasuma,koro-sensei and...a yellow haired idiot clinging to koro-sensei...''Oh,(Y/n)~san..You are late..''Koro-sensei said with a pink face..Seriously? I can see why..That idiot a.k.a yellow haired bitch has a ''WORLD CUP'' boobies thingy,whatever..''Ah gomene.My younger sister was vomiting and my butler wasn't around...'' I said in a teary face.''Oh..I am really sorry for your sister..Please,take your seat.''Koro-sensei said...Everyone sweatdropped looking at both of us.'How could anyone be such an idiot that would believe an obvious lie?!' I thought while raising my brow..I quickly went to my desk and.....Listened I guess.For a little..They were talking 'bout this new teacher which is the yellow idiot haired whatever....Irina Jelavic....yeah yeah and blah blah blah blah too lazy to listen so i dozed off...

--some time later--

''-n)~san..(Y/n)~san!!'' I heard someone poking at meh..''Seriously?? One more day please..''I said while looking up..and guess who I saw.TTToottallyy right,it's bakabane..''Waddya want baka?!'' I said in an annoyed tone..I mean,who would not get angry from your beautiful sleep huh?!..''You should probably change to your P.E Attire ya know..''Karma said ...''How troublesome..Finnee..Just leave me alone.'' I said while standing the hell up.. I left him there..LIKE I'D GIVE AN ____!! TBH I feel a little bit bad for him...

---Sometime lateru---

After I changed to called clothes.( are wering a boy's P.E uniform 'cuz you still don't have your uniforms).I went outside at the yard thingy whatever you call it just to see Yellow bitch and the class...The bitch is smoking..I hope she burns to death..hihihi....''Uhhm...Ms.Irina? What are we going to do?''Isogai asked..''First up..When the octupos is not around,call me Ms. Vitch..Vitch as in V-I-T-C-H...''She said..''Well then,how about we call you Ms.Bitch,ne~?'' Karma added while coming closer to her..''Don't shorten it you scumbag!'' she exclaimed..and the arguement continued..She glanced at Nagisa and gave him a seductive look.''Hey there..I know that you have some useful information 'bout that octopus..Mind sharing it with me?'' The bitch said while putting her thumb and index finger at his chin..I knew what would happen..The bitch pulled her fingers back and then..she was about to kiss him!? I ran towards his rescue..Why you ask? Because he acts like my brother....So what happend is that Bitch sensei kissed me..'You better be grateful nagisa!' I thought..She was shocked and yet she continued...Her tongue was poking at my teeth,signaling me to open up..I welcomed her....After exploring she striked at my tongue..At some time she pulled out for breath..I was having no problems at all when it comes to breathing 'cuz hello? I am a demon remember..''How did yo-'' ''Win? Well I don't know and I don't care'' I cut her off....''What's your name you Bitch?!'' she asked at me with a nerve showing at her skin..''Oh? The bitch is calling me a bitch eh~,it's (Y/n),(Y/n)(L/n)..''I said in a bored tone....She paused for more air..''(Y/n)?!...THAT MEANS YOU'RE A GIRL!!'' she said...Everyone was shocked and little did they know that...I am a demon...''uhu..'' ''Why are you in a boy's uniform?!'' She asked me..''Explaining is such a drag..'' ''Just explain!'' everyone shouted at me..''Fine,my uniform isn't here yet so I have no choice..'' i said ''I do know something though, I mean with me and you bitch sensei..'' I said in a dead serious tone...Everyone's faces shined,thinking that they will finally know something important about me..''That we both would die before even getting along..'' I said while looking away..Everyone's faces turned into darkness.''You know what,I think so too..'' Bitch sensei added....

The bitch's POV

This girl gut some guts herself...(Y/n),I know we've met before but..I just forgot when...She is a girl...but not someone ordinary though...I can't just put my finger off of it.''Whatever..'' I said while walking away from them..'it's almost time for my plan..better get ready.' I hushed to myself..I need to get info about her..Fast..I feel like she's someone important..UGH!!!



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