Chapter 1:A whole new world

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Y/n's POV

 As I was falling,I closed my eyes and imagined my brother would be there by my side.I am  in a really crazy state right now btw,what a really high building hahahahhaha!!!! Finally,I could get out of this world..As I fell down with my eyes closed,a thick black cloud was surrounding me.''WHAT TH-!!'' I was shocked when I opened my eyes again.

--time skip--

''Where am I??So dark in here''I opened my eyes......I just remembered something....WASN'T I JUST FALLING AWHILE AGO?? Now i'm confused ''Well,how about imma go on an adventure like what dora does'' I chuckled ''This not the time to be chuckling you know'' Someone spoke,''Hello?'' I asked,''Ara ara,what a very perfect heart..'' A woman's voice added,''It's finally time.'' Another voice was added.''Let's have fun ahahahha!'' another voice went all out.I took another step and I saw 4 demons!! ''ARE YOU ALL DE-'' ''Ara ara,yes we are,don't be afraid.We are your guardians.'' she cutted me off.

They look like this......

They look like this

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''My guardians!! No way! All of my life I have suffered great pain!!'' I shouted at them,tears starting to fell down my cheeks.''Tell me...You are my guardians right??Why does my brother needs to die?Why should I suffer?'' I sobbed..''Only the gods can answer that..But we have to tell you something..''The white haired demon said...''Before that...Why not tell me your names'' I said while wiping off my tears...''OHHHHH!!!!How rude of us..Call me Fun girl!''the girl with a pale skin said,''I am  the Flame demon. Call me whatever you want." he said. "I am the great demon of taurus. Call me tau." The demon with white hair said. "And last but not the least. I am the demon of lust. Call me violet." She said with a creepy smile. "By the way... You don't need to introduce yourself because we know you already." Fun girl said. "Back to the topic. The king of despair,your father,has sent us to tell you the truth." Tau said...Father? Truth? This is so new to me. I never new that my father,the real one,is a king!! Not to mention a demon..... But what are they going to say??


The Lost One's Weeping (Karma X Demon/Lazy reader)Where stories live. Discover now