Chapter 22: The unexpexted love confession.

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Claude's POV (Y'all did NOT see dat cummin... Uhmm... don't be dm on the CUMMIN part)

The young lady hasn't been gone to school for two weeks prior after the first day of school... "Young lady, would you please go to school now!!! Or else I will tell (Y/n)~sama this instant!!!" I said while knocking in the door. "Noooooooooo" Chloe shouted, must have triggered some bad memories on how (Y/n)~sama gets angry. "Then open this door, NOW!" I said in an angry tone. She opened the door. "Now go get yourself ready while I prepare your breakfast." I said while she pouted. "Now now, you don't want (Y/n)~sama to get angry do you???" I grinned holding up my glasses, seeing her hurriedly went to the bathroom to take a shower. "Humans are so easy to get them scared😈" I smiled like a jerk...

Chloe's POV

"Bye Mr. Grumpy!!" I bid Claude goodbye, clearly he is angry. "I don't want to go to school Mr. Driver..." i pouted, "I am sorry Lady chlie, but i can't follow that orderor else Claude, that devil, will kill me." he said while covered in darkness....

**In school**

"Bye Mr. Driver!!" I waved at him while he smiled back as a reply.......i went to my locker and found a letter with a heart in it. I opened it and realized it was a love letter. *sigh*... "I better read it now since i arrived here too early than expected.." i said.

Dear Chloe,
  Hey there! I know we just met and I am sure your first impression of me is bad. I am really sorry for the things I've done to you. I was really, REALLY happy to meet you, you know that? I am here, writing this letter to show my feelings for you, you might think that I am a bad guy but i promise I'll change, I'll change for you. Please meet me at the back of the school on 4:50 p.m, I hope to see you there.

Mr. E...

"Who is this Mr. E? The person I know that starts with "E" is Emman... It could not have been him." I mumbled.. Then I put the letter in my bag and headed to my classroom.

I arrived at my classroom and I saw sakura and emman having fun together... Why would they be? Did emman change? "Hey sakura!" I waved at her and she ran towards me and hugged me. "We missed you Chloee!!" Sakura exclaimed... We? who we? "Hey there Chloe^^" Emman smiled. I was confused but I shrugged it off and smiled back at him which made him blush a little, visible enough to let me see. "Someone changed..." I said while looking at him. He looked the other way and I made way to my seat. "Why were you absent for two weeks? We were worried 'bout you. Am I right Emman??" Sakura looked at him and he nodded yeah. "Sakura, why did he change?" I whispered, "You see, he said it was for someone he loved. He never was once like this before, not before you went into this school." Sakura whispered back with a grin. I was confused, I am starting think that he was the boy whom left this letter at my locker but I shrugged it off and smiled like an idiot.

--dismissal/after school--

  I hurriedly changed my shoes and then went at the back of the school. "Seems like I'm a little too early." I talked to myself, 'It is stated that I should be here at exactly 4:50 p.m.' I thought.

--At 4:50 pm--

  "I waited for so long now, i guess it was my fault for being so early." I talked to myself until i heard someone walking towards the back of the school. My eyes widen as I saw the figure walking towards me, a green-haired boy with the usual walking stance with that undying smirk, with dashing green colored eyes... It was Emman!!! "Sorry for keeping you waiting, Chloe." Emman looked away as he scratched behind his back, "U-umm, are you Mr. E?" I asked as i stuttered, my face feels hot and i could feel my cheeks burning up like a hot chili sauce. "Yes, i wanted to tell you this... That I... Really like you... And I will do anything for you, I will change my ways... Please accept my feelings!!!" Emman shouted as he bowed down to me hesitantly. "O-ok, I will accept your feelings..." I said with an instant answer, i know that he was a good guy deep down inside... Besides, we're already 6th graders, we're already mature... "U-ummm,so... Are we dating n-now?" He said as he looked at me with his red cheeks... I nodded yes, "Of course!" I said as I grabbed onto his arm, clinging onto it as if i am owning him, making him blush even more. "Walk me home from now on would ya?" I smiled "Uwwaaaahhh??!?!?!?" He said with a troubled, scared and surprised look, "Pleasssee, sweetie!" I pouted, "Haaha, is that what you're going to call me from now on?" He chuckled, "Yesh!! Whatcha gonna call me?!?" I said with anticipation, "Cutie..." He said bluntly, which made me blush... "How about  a date at a concert this Thursday?? I heard your favorite popstar, Ji Chen is holding a concert in the new arena." He stopped at his tracks and I happily jumped making him laugh... "Wait a sec, how did you know that my fave popstar is ji chen?" I stopped jumping... "I have my ways." He smirked...

I am sho excited!!! Can't wait for that date😁😁😁.

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