Chapter 29: The fading lily

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Wait... Could it be?

•The Same day•

(Y/n's Pov)

"What should I wear today, Claude?" I happily asked claude for today is our special date with Chen after my recovery. "A dress will do..." Claude lifted up his glasses. "I don't have a dress..." I sadly replied, seeing Chloe peeking at my bedroom door to check what's going on, I signaled her to come over. "Thish ish for you!" Chloe held out a huge box with a branded name. "T-thank you, where did you get this?" I confusely asked. She then pointed by the door, only seeing a man that looks like my dad, Claude then bowed at his majesty. "It's your mother's favorite dress, try it on." He smiled at me, so i tried it out and it fits perfectly. It is a royal blue dress with a bow at the back, with a diamond necklace and a bracelet to match my outfit. "Mom's huh, she has such great taste..." I said, starting to tear up... I never even met her and yet... "You'll meet her one day, I have to go back to the kingdom. Be a good girl, I love you y/n." With that, my dad left without letting me speak another word.
I left, thanking Claude and Chloe for their cooperation, seeing Chen to pick me up. "Ready to go?" He gestured to the front seat of the car. "You're driving? That's new." I chuckled while he laughed at me...

Chen's POV
'I am very annoyed at how many people there are! It is noisy, i see kids crying but... Every girl seems to be having fun, I guess she is too!' Is ehat I thought before facing Y/n which is wearing that gloomy face of hers. "I hate it here, I hate every fun place there is! It just makes me lonelier remembering my brother isn't here anymore. Seeing people with joyous faces..." Y/n complained, pretty cute I would say so myself. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. I am here." I said covering my face with a mask, unwanted to be seen by fans knowing the idol I am. "Let's ride the rollercoaster!" She happily pointed at a giant rollercoaster ride. I didn't want to ride it considering my heart condition but she looks so interested...

And so I did anyways... Regretting the moment I sat on the cart, up until the end. She looks so happy while I couldn't breathe at all! "Chen, Chen! Let's ri-" She cut off...

(Y/n's POV)
"Chen, Chen! Let's ri-" I cut off my sentence seeing Chen's pale face while panting rapidly. "Chen?!" I ran towards him, trying to grab an inhaler from his bag but there was none! If only I didn't forgot about his heart condition he would not be in this situation! "I'm fine, really, y/n" Chen said while flinching. Before I could even speak another word, a crowd started to chase us! "Ji chen! I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!" One of the girls shouted which attracted lots and lots of fangirls! "Let's go, chen!" I grabbed his hand and ran! I never let loose of his hand until we were alone...
"I am sorry chen, i made this date a disaster" I said while hugging him, he shook his head in disagreement. "Being with you is enough." He cupped my cheeks and went in closer and closer until someone's footsteps came in closer...

Third person's POV

The footsteps of someone came to light... It was a beautiful lady, looking like at her 40's, silver colored hair with golden orbed eyes, exactly the same as chen. "What do you think you're doing while I was gone? You'd think I wouldn't know that you're cancelling your heart surgery?!" The lady exclaimed. You were confused at what was happening but chen finally spoke up, "I don't need a surgery and I can handle myself quiet nicely, Mother..." You weren't shocked about the fact that she is his mother, afterall, they look exactly alike! "I am sorry young lady but I need to take Chen home, have a nice day" Chen's mother took him away in a limo leaving you alone... You didn't mind though, you thought it was a good thing for him to be with his mother for awhile...

Y/n's POV

'What a great day indeed' I thought sarcastically. My mind was so filled with Ji Chen that I don't even know what to do... And because of THAT I bumped into someone... "Ow- Watch where you're going!" A  cutesy voice came in which made me stop and look at her, it was Okuda! "Oh its just you, no one important..." I stood up and dust off the dirt from my dress. "Oka-chan!!! What's going on?" A familiar voice kicked in which made you pop a vein. "And there is that playboy..?" You walked away but a certain someone grabbed your hand, "What?" You bluntly said trying to escape from that person's grasp... "Let's talk... Privately" Karma's voice sent shivers to your bones...

But then....

To be continued...

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