Chapter 12: No Rest Day! Claude will be the boss for the day!!

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  ''How unfortunate..Not! This misbehaviour is getting on my nerves..You being lazy is unacceptable.You will have the whole day tomorrow cleaning the house! No rest day for you!'' He shouted..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WORST DAY EVER!!!  


Y/n's POV

'Krriiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg!!!!!'...''Ugh,It's still early!! Oh wait.I just remembered something..'' I said. I then hurriedly went back to sleep because I don't want to clean my house the wholr gahd damn day..''I know your awake  (L/n)~sama.Go downstairs,have breakfast,take a shower then do what you have to do.." Claude said with an itch showing up..''Why today?'' I asked with puppy eyes to change his mind.''Because YOU are ALWAYS sleeping...'' He replied...I did what he asked me to do and blah blah blah...

==One Eternity Later==

"Huff huff huff,*gulp* I am done Claude.. Better be happy!!" I said while catching my breath.''Impressive,the house is so clean.'' He said while sitting down.Now what?! Ugh..I started going up to my room but a sudden voice added,''Why don't you sit down for awhile?'' It was Claude's voice...'What a dumbass' I thought..His voice is so SEXY OH MAH GAH! Waiittt,WAT DA HELL AM I SAYING?! I'M NOOOTT INTO MY BUTLER! I sat down just as he said..

''Are you inlove with someone?'' Claude asked..

''You are being so gaddamn starightforward..Can I sleep now?'' I said

''It is still afternoon and you haven't eaten yet since breakfast.'' He said

''How can you ask such a stupid question Claude?'' I said in a stern voice

''You were acting a bit off since yesterday. And I kinda went inside your head.''

OH SHOOT! Don't tell me he knew!

''Uhmmm..I don't know what you are talking about Claude.'' I swetadropped, I am so nervous i'm gonna piss myself off.

''You kissed Karma~kun.You met your childhood friend...Why didn't you inform me about this?'' He said with a DEAD...SERIOUS...FACE..

''I haven't thought about telling you and BESIDES..Explaining is such a pain baka!'' I said

Claude stood up and hugged me..''There is no need of explaining,I know that deep inside,the minute you met Karma~kun,You knew you loved him.Which irritates you big time.'' He chuckled..

I know that...All what he said was true..I just couldn't accept it myself.I just can't..But......

''Nah..Loving someone stupid is such a pain!!!! Imma go to my room Claude.I'm not gonna eat,that pep talk we had just removed my appetite plus HONEY BUDDAH CHIPS ARE WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY MORE BETTER THAN THOSE VEGGIES OR SOMETHING!'' I said while joyfully,excitingly going to my room..Leaving Claude which is covered with darkness.'I just remembered,tomorrow is sunday..hmmmm,what should I do? NAH! I WILL JUST SLEEP!' I thought

....Stupid Karma!!!

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