Chapter 11: He is here? The Reunion!

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  I love you,you know..'' Karma whispered in my ears..''ahahaha.Impossible,You,love me? A lazy ass girl?''I said while walking away..  


Y/n's POV

 tsk..Get out of my head! Ugh! Those words he just said won't flipping...ugh!!! Why!.....................'I can't believe this.The minute I heard him say that he loves me,my heart skipped a i am red as crap! I better get outta here..FAST!!' I thought...As I walked down..I hear footsteps..''Stop following me kar-'' I was shocked but I only saw a glimpse of someone..He is somewhat looks similar to karma,except for the eyes..From there on..Everything went fuzzy..

===Some time later AHO!!==

''uuuuuuuuwhat happend? Am I sitting beside a tree? Again?'' I said while rubbing my eyes..I saw a familiar shade..''Karma?? Is that you?'' I said..''Oh? Looking for Karma eh? Sorry,he is not here though..'' Somebody said.Everything is still so..blurry.................FINALLY!! It's all clear.''Asan-....asan-...Osana?'' I said..


Osana: How dare you use my precious name BAKA!!

Yan-dev: You are starting to get annoying like Midori..Just let the girl continue her story will ya?



I forgot his name..''It's your childhood friend 'ya know! Gakushū Asano! Your childhood friend!'' Asano exclaimed while hugging me...''Ugh..Wait,WHATTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Asano? B-b-big brother? Why do you talk like Naruto??'' I said while laughing.I call him big brother because whenever my real bro is not around,he acts like my brother..It was fun..and troublesome at the same time..''Aahahhaha.APOLOGISE TO THE GREAT HOKAGE OF THE WORLD RIGHT NOW!!ANYWAYSSS.You forgot about me didn't you?'' He smiled.''No.......:)'' I smiled back..''I don't think so..When you went to Class 3-A,you did not even recognized me!'' He laughed,''You were there? Oh..I guess you were..I didn't really paid that much attention soooo yeah..'' I said in a sleepy tone.''So,what's your relationship with Karma?  saw you both kissing just awhile ago.'' He winked..WHAT!! WHY NOW!! ''Uhm..Nothing.He was the one who started it.I was just forced to do it..'' I said in a blushing face..His cheerful face suddenly fades away..''Well,I have to go now! See ya'' He said but I know there is something bothering him.''Okay?'' I said....What a pain.Seriously,Why me of all people...*beep beep* ''Hello?'' I said in a bored tone ''Hi (L/n)~san,this is kayano..Do you have any plans on going home or are you just going to stay at the mountains??'' She said while laughing ''Or do you want me to call Karma to pick you up?'' She added..FUDGE!! It's almost nighttime I didn't notice..Claude is going to kill me!! ''Uhhh I am going home..Bye'' I hunged up before she could say another damn word...I hurriedly ran down but..RUNNING IS SUCH A PAIN SO I activated my demon powers and teleported to my car....'OH SHOOT I FORGOT MY BAG!! WHATEVER! BETTER THAN BEING KILLED BY MY OWN BUTLER!!' I thought... I hurriedly drove off to my house...


I hurriedly parked my car without Claude noticing and ran to my room..''EHEM! You're late missy!!'' I could hear Claude's voice trailing down my spine..''Oh crap.'' I hushed..''Heeeyy Claude!! Uhm,I was doing my project and homework at school with my friends sooo yeah!!'' I said..''Then where is your bag?''He said while raising a brow..''I left it there because it is such a pain on getting it...'' I said..''How unfortunate..Not! This misbehaviour is getting on my nerves..You being lazy is unacceptable.You will have the whole day tomorrow cleaning the house! No rest day for you!'' He shouted..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WORST DAY EVER!!!



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