Chapter 23: Heartbroken (DUN DUN DUN!!!)

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++SHOUTOUT to @K8Y_Katt_and @DangImCool707 for this chapter is by their support ;)++


(On the day of the CONCERT)

Ji Chen's POV

  "Mr. Chen, do you have any other guests??" Linda, my manager asked, ''Yes, Please contact (Y/n) (L/n). She will be in the VIP section.'' I said coldly as ever. ''OOhhh, this is new, a girl you are inlove with right now??'' Linda teased... I blushed intensely while glaring at her making her leave while I drink my tea... Can't wait for her to show up...

Y/n's POV

 Today's the day I go to a damn concert with my newly made best... FRIEND Ji chen -_-. I wore this nice red dress, with a black-strapped choker with a rose with it and I put my hair down with red headband, with red heels and make-up... Guess who did this... Yep, It is my NOT ANNOYING AT ALL bff, (f/n)(L/n). My head feels heavy and my feet hurts... I feel so, girly atmost. *DING DONG* the doorbell rang and i saw a guy with a black suit saying that he is Ji chen's guard and at the background was a... LONG ASS CAR HOOOLLLLLLLYY!! Actually, I ain't shocked no more bruh. I went in it and i bid my annoying ass bff goodbye as we drove off.

(At the concert *backstage*)

''Hi Chen!!'' I exclaimed while seeing Chen's blushing face... I know he loves me like BRUH HE IS DAMN EASY TO READ! ''H-hey... You look lovely today (Y/n)!'' He hella stuttered and I shrugged it off and smiled. ''Who is that b?tch talking to the one and only chen?! SHE GOT SOME NERVES!'' ''I know right,totally A B?TCH'' I heard two girls talking about me but Chen led them out of the concert place... JEEZ! He doesn't need to do that ya'know. His Guard led me to my seat at the VIP. My mission already ended days ago yet we are so close to each other. *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP* My phone beeped, I opened it and i read the message.

From: Chloe <3

Hey Oneesan!! We're going to Chen's concert with my bf and all... I guess we are going to meet up!!!

_end of convo_

''You are too young to have a bf but WATEVER!'' I said, ''K-karma... I'm so happy we could go to Ji chen's concert!'' SOMe SHY  GiRl exclaimed ''Ye, I already saw him though but I know you like this guy so leggo with it babe..'' A manly voice replied... My eyes widened as I heard those voices that I turned my head to my right... I... WAS SHOCKED!!! It was Karma...and... O-okuda. I feel my eyes getting heavy and I tried to hold in my tears. ''Oh... Hi there (L/n)~san'' Karma waved at me, ''Oh hi there!'' That traitor said so... I waved back and they sat next to me... for the whole damn night...


''I can't take it anymore!'' I shouted which made Karma and Okuda to look at me funny... I was crying... Crying... I feel my heart being torn... I guess... I am the LOST ONE WEEPING... ''Are you okay??'' Okuda said while smiling like she did something so good...''You...Okuda you traitor!'' I ran off to Ji chen which was standing by the backstage door... seeing what was happening. He walked me out of the arena (Most concerts are done in an arena??). ''(Y/N)?! I am here...'' He hugged me tightly... ''Chen, let's be together...'' I said as I gripped at his clothes harder...''Please...'' I begged for him like a demon having a dark plan...


(Y/n): I am a demon tho



I backed up and Chen's face went up closer to mine... I could feel his breath inches away and then he smashed his lips onto mine. I went with it while tears rolling down... He slipped his tongue inside my mouth, exploring every inch of it. He ended the fight with a string of saliva connecting us both. ''Of course (Y/n)...Anything for you...'' He said between breaths... I will have my dark revenge to you okuda, and let's see who will be The Lost One Weeping...



DIS STORY JUST GOT 1ST ON DE LAZY CATEGORY NOW LET'S PAT OURSELVES *Pats faster on myshelf like im high on drugs XD* And my bffs story got third

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DIS STORY JUST GOT 1ST ON DE LAZY CATEGORY NOW LET'S PAT OURSELVES *Pats faster on myshelf like im high on drugs XD* And my bffs story got third... SO LET'S PAT HER BACK!! *pats back like there's no tomorrow*. I wanna thank you all for supporting me and such even though i'm hella lazy and busy and... LAZY... SEE YA ALL IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!


The Lost One's Weeping (Karma X Demon/Lazy reader)Where stories live. Discover now