Chapter 6: The Meeting

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I arrived to this damn school..I went to class 3-E and found a space to park my car...'hmm I haven't heard from (F/n) since yesterday..OH WHATEVER!!' I thought to myself..This place is like a ship wrecked!!


Y/n's POV

I walked through the halls...So quiet like in the horror movies!! I past by a guy with a spiky hair wearing a black tuxedo..''Are you the new student?'' He asked....He looks familiar....Oh yeah, he was the one who hired me..If I remembered correctly,he's name is Tadaomi Karasuma,is a 28-year-old agent sent from Japan's Ministry of Defense to supervise the yellow octopus named Koro-sensei,my target . In Kunugigaoka Junior Highschool,this school,he was admitted as an assistant teacher and as the physical education teacher in Class 3-E.His self defense is strong....''Yes Mr. Karasuma..I am the new student,the one you hired.'' I said in a bored tone.''You know what to do right?''He asked me coldly.''Yes,kill the pervert octopus or the world will turn into swizzed cheese.'' I said while yawning,''Good.The classroom is right up ahead,he is waiting for you.''He added..I walked towards the door with a sign written Class 3-E in it..''Damn what a pain.'' i said,I opened the door and saw a whole bunch of students and the octopus.''Domo~'' I said in a bored tone..I noticed that all the girls are staring at me crazy!! Oh! I forgot I was in a boy's school uniform lolz..''nyurufufufu...You must be the transfer student! (L/n)~san! Please,introduce yourself ;)'' Koro~sensei exclaimed..''Can't you do it though? I mean,you are my teacher..I am sure you know me.''I said in an annoyed yet sweet voice,''No, you must do it!'' He said while he change his expression to Purple with a Dark Red X which I believe it means ....incorrect? Don't really care..''Fine,I am only doing this because I hate explaining..Yo, I am (L/n)(Y/n)..I am clumsy,lazy yet intelligent..I have a passion of being an assassin.I hate anyone who bothers me. That's all..Now,Where's my seat?''I said in an annoyed,calm and bored tone..''You will be seated next to karma~kun.'' He said.I looked around and found a red headed boy with golden yellow eyes,he looks like A-a-a-asana? Was that his name? Whatever..He raised his hand..I walked towards my seat and pretend to fall,so immediately koro~sensei grabbed me but two of his tentacles blew up since I melt down the anti~koro to my uniform.I then grabbed the anti~koro~sensei knife thingy and cut off 4 of his tentacles..''Hey!! It's bad to try and kill your teacher when you just met them!'' He said in a scared tone which made his expression to Purple,he is in panic right now...''Just checkin' ya know.'' I said in a cold expression,I then headed to my seat leaving everyone to stare at me..I don't really care..After that,koro~sensei was talking about something since he is our homeroom teacher but WHO CARES!! I just slept on his class..


''(Y/n)!!(Y/n)!!'' Someone shouted at me.I pretended to be asleep 'cause it's koro~sensei...''Hmmm..Youth these days!!'' He said while grabbing me up but sadly he forgot that whenever he touches me..His tentacles would blew up..''Saw that coming teach..''I said with a smirk...Everyone was amazed at me..But do I care,there is this one boy who annoys me though..The one beside me..Mr.BaKarma,one glimpse of him I knew that he would be a pain in the ass.....He is interesting though...

Karma's POV

Dang! He is a boy and yet I act so weirdly...He is cute and all...WHAT AM I THINKING??!! HE IS A BOY! Damn it.....If only he is a girl..I would totally go for him...


A/n: Hey! Another update in one day eh?...eheheh lolz..Sorry there aren't that much karma stuff..IM STILL THINKING DON'T WORRY!!! Seeya in the next chapter..

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