Chapter 3: The Annoying Schoolmate

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Y/n's Pov


 ''WHAT THE HELL!! I am going to break my head with this stupid alarm clock!!'' I shouted in pain.'It's ....Morning?? Nah..Imma go to sleep again,I have nothing to do anyways!' I exclaimed,excited to go back to bed but my phone rang..''Hello? You know it's still early..Call back later'' I said in an annoyed tone.''Hello Ms.(L/n). This is the Agency.Today is the day that you will start your mission.There will be some-'' I cutted him off saying ''What mission? I don't remember any missions.Maybe you got the wrong person.'' ''I believe we told you last week about the mission in Kunugigaoka Junior Highschool..About killing the teacher of class 3-E'' The man on the phone said.......


Hmmmmmmmmmmmm........Oh yeah! ''Oh! I guess I forgot..Sorry for cutting you off..Please,continue kind sir.'' I said in a bored yet sweet tone.''There will be something sent for you shortly.They're supplies for you to kill the yellow octopus.We all believe that this is the only things that can affect that thing.We hope you do good in your mission.You are only given 1 year.''The man hunged up after that.....'I am so sleepy'..I went to the bathroom,ya know,take a shower and changed into a boy uniform 'cuz......i'm too lazy to wait for my uniform,plus it will arrive tomorrow.I tied my hair so now it's shorter than before.I kinda look like len kagamine....And so... I went outside to drive my car...

this is len guys

this is len guys

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Your car


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I arrived at kunugigaoka highschool...'Not half bad' I thought...I went for a turn to find a parking space which is such a drag 'cuz i'm too damn lazy,so I parked it somewhere behind the school which surprisingly I found the parking space.'Beep Beep' my phone rang.Now guess who it is,my VERY annoying friend,(F/n)(L/n)..''What now?!'' I said in an annoyed tone ''Oh my gosh! I can't believe we're schoolmates!!! BEST DAY EVER!!'' (F/n) said..''WHAT DO YOU MEAN SCHOOLMATES!!??'' I said while catching m breath,''I saw you parkin' yo car,yay!!'' she said..No! This can't be happening! hell no! Please tell me it's a dream...''Too bad it's not a dream! You're no fun at all!'' A familiar voice said. I turned my head to my side and saw.....FUN GIRL!! ''Uhh,HI...It has been years since that day,Fun girl'' I greeted her nicely..IN A BORED TONE OF COURSE!! WADYAA EXPECT HUH?! ''Yes! Howdy your highness!'' She addressed me properly.

Ayano Aishi: Hey! Isn't fun girl Osana's si-

Yandere dev: Don't spoil anything damn it! The game ain't finished yet! Let the girl continue her story..

=Back to the story=

Heh....It's kinda cold here..I guess it's because THERE'S A DEMON INSIDE MY CAR!! ''SOoOooOOOo....What brings you here?'' I asked while shivering,''Well,your father asked me to check things in you.I guess I need to go now since your cool!'' she said while disappearing WITHOUT ME EVEN SAYING ANYTHING! ''Uhhhh...(Y/n)-chan? Who you talking to?'' My annoying friend asked...'OOHH SHOOT! I forgot it's still on' I shouted in my mind..''No one!''I said.....''Ok then...Lemme give you a tour of our facilities :)'' she said in a joyful tone ''Meet me at the entrance gate 'kay?'' she exclaimed,''Do I have any choice?'' I said in a bored tone...

==Entrance Gate==

I was waiting for (F/n) at the entrance gate while thinking about how we became friends...


Phew...I bet this man is dead..That was easy...Need to fly to the agency to report.


FINALLY!!!!! ''Ms.(Y/n)'' The manager said, ''YES SIR?!'' I addressed..''(F/n) will be your partner from now on'' the manager added....Partner?.....Guess it's worth a shot...

End of Flashback

''(Y/n)!!(Y/n)!!'' someone shouted...I looked around and it's (F/n)..God!! That's why we're in this state..''Ikuzo?'' she asked me (Ikuzo means Let's go),''Hai hai!'' i said in a sleepy tone..I yawned a couple of time's while she was bringing me around at school.I noticed that many girl's are whispering and staring at me.''Hey...He's hot..I wish I was that little scumbag with him.'' Girl A said..''I know right.''Girl B said...Damn this sluts! I just want to sleep.Plus,I'M A FLIPPIN'GIRL IF YOU ALL KNOW!!''WE FINALLY ARRIVED AT THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!!'' she exclaimed....I guess I need to take the entrance exam..Damn what a drag....I opened the door while (F/n) was waving a farewell at me...This is it I guess......


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