Chapter 28:Dreams & Illusion

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>Y/n's POV<
'CHEN!?! Oh no! Why now... He might misunderstand this shituation!' I started tearing up while pushing Karma away... "I-i... Chen..." I am lost at words, just as everything began to turn black. "Chen?" I tried to call out and someone walked closer, it was Chen. "Y/n, let's break up, I am with Okuda now..." He said as he put his arms around Okuda, her girlfriend, as that little witch laughed at me. "Hey, Stop it! Chen you're joking right? RIGHT?" I shouted in fear as they began to walk away. I tried to reach out but for some reason... I can't! "Goodbye, Y/n." I looked around and saw Karma, about to fall off a cliff as he smiled to me one last time. "Karma? KARMA!!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs while running towards him. 'Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!' I thought as i cried. 'WHY?!?' everything began to be filled with light as I hear someone calling, "Whoever it is, please save me!" I reached out my hand and...

"-n? Y/n????" I began to open my eyes and looked around, and there was Chen and his crew. "Anything alright?" His manager asked, I nodded, giving them their answer. I can't remember anything that had happen, what was that? A dream? "You fainted while we were recording... We are worried... I am worried..." Chen wrapped his arms around me as I started to tear up a little. "Don't leave me Chen! Please!" I pleaded him and he looked at me with awe. "Don't worry, I won't." He said, letting loose of the hug, as I rested in the couch for awhile.

👉 Several Days Later👈

Karma's POV
  Today is the day that Okuda and I will have a date. 'I kind of feel guilty for hurting Y/n, I still want her though, every piece of her, I want to explore every part of her. I want t-' "Karma!!!" Okuda yelled, i waved at her, usually putting on my fake smile. How pathetic! "Okuda-san, what should we do today eh?" I smiled innocently, fragile girls like her always fall for these simple tricks, I just wanna play with her for a while and go back to Y/n... "I wanna ride everything, Babe!" She grabbed my hand leading us to a rollercoaster, the way she calls me babe is so damn disgusting, I'd rather want to hear Y/n say that...

*after several rides*
"Whew, I'm tired! Let's go to a cafe, karma!" She smiled at me, as usual. I really wanna stop this...

>Okuda's POV<
We're already in the cafe but his mind is busy! I am infront of him and yet it seems that he doesn't even care that I am here! Wait... Could it be?


Apologies my dearest scouts, didn't mean to upload this so damn late! I already did the scripts and shit about the upcoming chapters but it all got deleted by my stupid brother so I have to start ALL OVER AGAIN! And also that starting today, I will be busier as usual, and there is no wifi OR signal in my province so yahhhhhhh! If you have suggestions, clarifications, and etc. Please comment down below, it would be a huge help and i won't forget to tag you as credits for the idea in that certain chapter. I will always consider your ideas and shits so feel free to drop down your thoughts in the comment section. And to all of my scouts' haters, FUCK THEM ALL! Don't let society's negative thinking affect you! If you want advice or sum shit likenthat, you can message me on wattpad OR email me at SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER! I AM IN CLASS🤣

Also to all ARMYs around here, check out my friend's story

Also to all ARMYs around here, check out my friend's story

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Her account name is "Itz_Belluh"

Here's her story link :


Have a great day and DIO GRACIAS❤

The Lost One's Weeping (Karma X Demon/Lazy reader)Where stories live. Discover now