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I was once a very jolly girl but everything flashed like a lightning.When I was born to this cruel world, everyone loved me but it was all just an act except for my knight and shining armor,my brother.He took care of like a real man.My parents...well...They hated me in the first place..I admire my brother's braveness.He was always there for me no matter what the situation is until a sudden incident happend. Me and my brother was hanging out in the house alone until I heard someone opened the door.As far as I remembered,I locked the door.

I said in a very scared tone

''Stay in your room''.

He said, he went downstairs while i locked the door of my room..I was about to reach the glass bottle but before I could even touch it,it cracked.My heart skipped a beat and knew that my brother was in danger. I hurriedly went downstairs.


I called out to him but before I could say another word I saw my brother all wounded with cuts all over his body!! I was in shock so I went outside to ask for help but somebody hit me at the back...and everything was all blurry..


'ugh...where am I??' i thought as I sit up straight and saw a very white room.'what is this? Where am I?'....I tried to remember everything..My eyes widened and tears began to flow. I jumped out off the bed to find my brother but I failed.The door suddenly opened and saw a white dressed girl. ''Hold on!!'' she shouted. She helped me go back to the bed.

''Are you ok?? Please be careful next time,by the way,I am your personal nurse'' she said,

''My brother??!! Where is he??Is he safe?? PLEASE TELL ME!!''I shouted.

The nurse's smile suddenly fades away ''Dear,I am very sorry to say this but..He is gone..''she said.I cried,the only one who cares for me is suddenly gone....WHY HIM!!

--time skip--

I went out of the hospital and went home.The doctor said I am fine as long as I stay safe.I still can't believe what happend.My heart was torn into pieces just by thinking about it.I always loved my brother and I know he does the same with me too.


As I arrived home,I saw my parents clearly doesn't welcome me.

''This is all your fault.You should be the one that is dead.He is a noble man and yet he protected someone that is useless and a trash!!Leave this property at once!!''I heard my mom said.

I packed my things up and left home leaving no traces where I went.Now I am homeless.Without my brother,I am nothing.


I went on top of the building.''I HAVE ENOUGH OF THIS!!!!WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM?? TAKE ME DAMN YOU!!!!'' I shouted and jumped off of the building.........


The Lost One's Weeping (Karma X Demon/Lazy reader)Where stories live. Discover now