Chapter 24: Good Actors ^_^

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  I will have my dark revenge to you okuda, and let's see who will be The Lost One Weeping...  


(Normal school day)

Y/n's POV

I woke up early as usual but still broken... I am trying to recall what happend while staring blakly to myself at the mirror...''OH MY GAHD!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! CHEN IS MY BOYFRIEND RIGHT NOW?!?!!!?'' I shouted, ''Young Miss? Is something the matter??'' Claude nroke down the door while huffing from running -_-. ''I-I'm fine Claude!'' I stuttered out while Claude looks down on the broken door, scratching his back. ''By the way, Ji Chen is waiting for you outside, he said he will drive you to school...'' Claude bluntly said while fixing his glasses, grinning. I hurriedly did my stuff to do and went in his car cuz it was open waddya expect?! ''YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE IF YOU WAKE UP LATE!'' Chen lectured me and I shrugged off and smiled at my BOYFRIEND.


3rd person's POV

Girl 1: Woah!! We got rk here. But not close as how popular i am!

Girl 2: IKR!!! 

Boy 1: Better be a hot chick bro!!!

Boy 2: Well, we'll see about that...

People were talking about this luxurious car that has been parked at the school's front gate, but they don't know who it was. The guard opened the doors revealing Y/n coming out of the car with her gorgeous (h/c) swaying as the wind passes by her, followed by Ji Chen. Everyone's jaw dropped at the one and only before lazy girl y/n which is now active in her class (sometimes) accompanied by the one and only SUPERSTAR.

Ji Chen's POV

"Come here hun..." I said, Y/n went closer to me, knowing what was happening and she pecked my lips causing everyone to be in shock. "Drive me home later Chen." She whispered to my ears causing shivers down my spine and red blush on my face. I nodded yes to her and bid her goodbye as she went to her classroom.

Y/n's POV

I walked in to my classroom, the same as usual, I attempted to assassinate koro~sensei with the homemade bomb i made filled with melted anti~koro sensei bullets and he seemed to dodged it and it means i failed. I started listening to class since the day karma taught me math... That's not happening anymore, and I drove off to sleep, returning to my lazy ass habit. 

_One eternity Later_ (timeskip by koro~sensei's tentacles)

"-/n, Y/n!!" Someone shook me and I woke up facing them angrily..."Oh it's you b?tch" I said to Okuda who was the one who shook me, Okuda on the other hand was calling out to karma cuz i said that she's a b?tch... "What's wrong dear??" Karma said reassuring Okuda, "She called me a b?tch, Y/n~chan said it." Okuda constantly whining, "You both makes me sick ugh, get out of my sight! Why you even wake me up!?!" I shouted, "It's already dismissal" Okuda said... I looked around and she's right. "I'll be fine when you haven't woken me up..." I glared at her making her whimper while getting my things and about to go out but Karma grabbed my arm. "Y/n..." Karma said while gritting his teeth, "What?! I have no intention of tallking to you... You are such a good actor karma... You act like nothing happend between us..." I started crying but somebody opened the door...




It was.










I wonder  wut happend... ^^

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