Chapter 10: He kissed me?!

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  she was about to kiss him!? I ran towards his rescue..Why you ask? Because he acts like my brother....So what happend is that Bitch sensei kissed me..'You better be grateful nagisa!' I thought..She was shocked and yet she continued...Her tongue was poking at my teeth,signaling me to open up..I welcomed her....After exploring she striked at my tongue..At some time she pulled out for breath..I was having no problems at all when it comes to breathing 'cuz hello? I am a demon remember..''How did yo-'' ''Win? Well I don't know and I don't care'' I cut her off....''What's your name you Bitch?!'' she asked at me with a nerve showing at her skin..''Oh? The bitch is calling me a bitch eh~,it's (Y/n),(Y/n)(L/n)..''I said in a bored tone....She paused for more air..''(Y/n)?!...THAT MEANS YOU'RE A GIRL!!'' she said...Everyone was shocked and little did they know that...I am a demon...''uhu..'' ''Why are you in a boy's uniform?!'' She asked me..''Explaining is such a drag..'' ''Just explain!'' everyone shouted at me..''Fine,my uniform isn't here yet so I have no choice..'' i said ''I do know something though, I mean with me and you bitch sensei..'' I said in a dead serious tone...Everyone's faces shined,thinking that they will finally know something important about me..''That we both would die before even getting along..'' I said while looking away..Everyone's faces turned into darkness.''You know what,I think so too..'' Bitch sensei added....  


Y/n's POV

  After that totally annoying scene,I decided to go up the mountain because EVERYONE WON'T STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS!! I wanted some rest too..As I walked up..wait,that sounds not about right...As I climbed up this stupid tower..I saw Bitch sensei and Koro~pervert walking in to a dark room near the yard..'meh..don't really care..' i thought......


Finally! A nice big tree for my dreams..I dozed off the minute I sat beside the gorgeous tree....ZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzz................''(Y/n)~san?? Wakey wakey.'' a familiar voice vibrated through my brain.I opened my eyes just to see a stupid red haired idiot smiling at me like he wants to rape me or something.''Ugh..What now? Can't you see I am sleeping? If you have any stupid questions then just ask me right now..'' I said in an annoyed tone.''I do have a question..That kiss..Was that your first?'' Bakabane asked in a sad face.''Nope..I tell you a secret but don't tell anyone in return..I am an assassin by the title called ''The deadly Crimson''. Bitch sensei probably forgot about me but I dont give a crap 'bout it...Anything else?'' I said while standing up straight,''So..Then...I could do this.'' Karma said while while walking closer to me...I walked backwards until I can't walk back anymore and then..HE PINNED ME TO THE TREE?! ''Let me go you maniac!!'' I shouted at him..He wasn't listening,instead,he gave me that troublesome smirk..His face was so close to me..I could feel him breathing. Until then he kissed me?!!


A/n: I told won't regret it..

Y/n: Whatever


I could taste strawberry milk in his mouth..I tried to pull away but the idiot is soooooo persistant..and an idiot.. He then licked my bottom lip,asking for an entrance.I then welcomed him because it was such a pain fighting back..He then explored my cavern then striked at  my tongue..seriously..what a pain..But while he was kissing me,I just realized that kissing a boy than a girl is actually differrent..I don't know but I have these weird,bugging feelings whenever I am around him.He pulled away searching for air..I was standing there in shock..''I love you,you know..'' Karma whispered in my ears..''ahahaha.Impossible,You,love me? A lazy ass girl?''I said while walking away..

Karma's POV

I kissed her..I did it..I even told her how I felt,but why won't she believe me? I guess I was her first..Wait..AM I THE FIRST BOY SHE KISSED?!!


That's it for now guys! see ya next time..dont forget to vote..SORRY IT WAS SHORT BECAUSE I WAS HANGING OUTTU WITH MY FRIENDS BUT I PROMISE NEXT TIME!!

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