Chapter 19: Jealousy, a new mission?!

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Previously on Karma x reader...

"Okuda, you ok? Where are they?" I asked with a nervous voice... "Run past this alleyway... They...are... Fighting..." she said... I hurriedly ran as fast as i can and saw karma,nagisa,and isogai all wounded while kayano is being held. "Oh?! Another company!!" The stupid looking man said. I can't help but rage and turned into my demon form without thinking. My (h/c) turned to red, (e/c) turned to red, my uniform turned into a long red dress and i am holding a staff in my hand with flames, my wings opened and i knew they were shocked. "S-spare us!" Their leader asked for mercy but I didn't care. I shot fire at them and boom they're dead meat. I still can't calm down and karma walked up to me and.... Kissed me?!? I was shocked but i guess it calmed me down. As the kiss went through, i changed back to my normal self. He backs up and said "You saved us😊!". I guess i did huh... As i walked up to okuda she grabbed my shoulders and whispered "He's not gonna love you just because of this." Then she backed up and said "Thank you for saving us!!" Two faced bitch. And from there on, i knew it myself that she will never be my friend...


Y/n's POV

'Kriingggg'My stupid alarm clock rang. "Good morning y/n!" the green haired annoying stuppido said. "Bad morning to you too kayano." i replied while rubbing meh eyez. The day goes off as usual, i woke up, ate breakfast, get showered, change clothes, then try and kill koro~perv, the usual boring thing ya know. The only interesting thing that will happen is when karma arrives................ The heck!?! I dunno why i said that. I saw okuda running off like a little bitch herself, "Where are you going okuda?" I shouted, clearly she just ignores me. Wow, what a great day.

-Time skippu to nighttime because i will be busy doing errands plus i am having a mental blackout-

"So Y/n, who do you like from the boys?" The yellow haired smirking girl asked. "They're all idiots..." I replied. "Come on! We know that you like karma, you two have been so close from time to time!!" The fat pig exclaimed. I could care less about all this talk plus i can feel okuda glaring at me so i left the room with them whining the hell outta them. I walked down the hallways and i overheard something..."So karma, who do you like? From the girls i mean." Maehara asked. "Hmm, okuda-san?" Karma replied. My heart broke for some reason and tears won't stop rolling down from my eyes. "Damn you!" I said... "Is anyone there?" Someone asked. I ran off like a crazy madman... I mean... Madgirl off down the streets. "Why am I acting like this? It is not like i like him anyways... W-what? I-i don't understand." i stuttered... I immediately called the agency to ask if there was any mission available for me to cool myself up. "Your mission will start at exactly 12 sharp, goodluck" The man on the phone hunged up... Mission....

To be continued...

Hey guys! I finally found a way to update, i might update tomorrow afternoon in my time. It has been horrible, can't take it, too many children whining here in my room cuz they want to play using meh gadgets, so noisy but hey, atleast i updated as promised. We did so many effing things and now i am worn out as heck. Gotta go now since my baby cousin ish crying. Have a bad day to all of ya'll

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