Chapter 21: The unexpected mission!!

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(Y/n)'s POV

I already arrived at the destination given for my mission, finally i could kill someone. It is already 12 sharp so my client should be here in a moment.

3rd person's POV (Y'all didn't expect that🤓)

Little did she know that (Y/n)'s mission is going to be different from the others. The associated client arrived moments later... "I will what?!?" Y/N's jaw dropped as she shouted in shock. "Yes, your mission is to act as the girlfriend of the one and only royal popstar from north korea, Ji Chen. I hope to do your job well. Your mission will end at midnight. Do your best." The black-suited man left (Y/n) with a jaw dropped. Poor (Y/n), A silver-gray hair boy with a shining golden eyes, as tall as karma (Wait Wait Wait!! How is karma here. Author chan... I am trying to move on here!!- (Y/n)), walked towards (Y/n) In a cold expression. "Are you the acting gf as the agency promised me?" He asked. (Y/n) Nodded and then they left.

*¤ne €ternity £ater*

(Y/n)'s POV

He really looks like a popstar. He is so handsome. "Get in." Chen gestured towards a LONG ASS CAR,holy cow😑😑. I got in since it is my mission then he followed, he sat really close beside which made my heart goin' doki doki. "Uhm, where are we going Mr. Chen?" I asked with my face all red (Why am i acting like this aggghh-Y/n). "Please stop the formality, call me chen for short, since we are going to be couples for the whole day." He chuckled. He smiled!?! He definitely smiled... Moe alert kyaaahh!!

*M¤m€nt§ £αt€π*

Ji Chen's POV...🤓
She's so beautiful. *sigh* Well aren't I the lucky one to be her boyfriend... For the day... Only🙄. Plus, if I let everyone know that she's my gf, will they stop stalking me? I hope so.
"Y/n?? Wake up, we're here." I said. She rubbed her eyes in a cute way, moe!!! I opened the door and led her out she jumped out and she was shocked. "Uwoaaahhhhh, your house looks like mine." She said with a bored tone. I am not surprised that she and my house are the same, i mean, she is an in demand assassin😃. "Come In😊" I opened the door revealing the luxurios chandelier hanging with such lavish paintings from all around the world. She sat on the couch with a bored expression. Guess she's not interested, she's not a slut, like the other girls, totally my type. "Ok, so I'm gonna explain what we're going to do."

*¤ne €ternity £ater*

Still Chen's POV //^//

She seemed to understand what to do, i mean, she IS a professional. "We're going to head to the studio for some interview on our relationship, change into this." I said as I gave her a red dress made by the most famous popular tailor all the way from england. "I am not wearing that!" She said while yawning, "Why?!? As your client you will wear this dress!" I shouted

"No i will naht!"
*¤ne €ternity £ater*

"You will wear this no matter what!!"
"Then I have no choice" I called my servants and they brought her to a closet, forcing to wear the dress. Finally she gave in...
"Ji Chen!!! I will kill you for this!!"
(Y/n) walked out of the closet looking fabulous with her dress and make-up on.
"My eyes feels so heavy and my heade feels like i just put thousands of flour in it" She complained. "Y-you look... Beautiful (Y/n)..." I said as i covered my face while she looked at me confused.... "Yeah right, let's just go and do this quickly." She trailed out of the door and I followed her into the car.

§**After The Interview**§

(Y/n)'s POV

"Ugh, i hate that interviewer. He is so annoying!! Don't you think so Chen?" I complained. "Yeah, he pried to much which is irritating, say... Do you like to come with me on the day of my concert?" Chen blushed while asking me. "I don't mind... Since I'm trying to move on so badly..." I mumbled the last part which he didn't hear, "What?" He asked with a worried face. "Nothing... I dont mind, when is that?" I asked. "T-this coming thursday." He stuttered a little. I nodded yes and he brought me back to our hotel.

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3rd person's POV

"Here you go!" Ji chen led (Y/n) out, such a gentleman *plays gentlemen song by psy*. "Thank you... Hey! I almost forgot... What about this dress?!! This looks like from england too^^." (Y/n) exclaims. "That belongs to you now as a gift, I am surprised you knew which country it was." Chen smiled, "How about you come in for awhile!" (Y/n) Smiled which made Chen blush and nodded yes.

**(Y/n)'s room**

(Y/n)'s POV

"Hey guys I'm backkkk!!" I shouted... With a bored tone of course. "Hey beloved daughter, you look lovely with that red dress on.I missed yo-....Who's this hottie?" Nakamura grinned. "OMG!! I can't believe my eyez!!" Kayano shouted. Ji chen was relaxed and so am i. "What could you possibly mean Kayano my dear?" Nakamura asked in confusion, "He is the one and only Ji Chen!" Kayano squealed, "Huh?!" Nakamura asked... "He is the royal popstar from south korea mommy!!" Kayano cried in joy, "Oh? I accept you as my daughter's boyfriend!!" Nakamura hugged Ji Chen... These people are idiots! "Uhm... Thank you!" Ji Chen blushes as he looked over at me. "H-hey, your misunde-" "Is everything alright? I heard Kayano cried..." Karma and Nagisa opened the door without a warning. Karma stood there shocked while I was there, still angry at him. "Well, you see here, Ji chen is my daughter's BOYFRIEND my dear karma. Now if you excuse us, we have THINGS to do." Nakamura a.k.a mommy grinned. "Uhm..." I tried to say something but Karma went up to me... "What the hell?!? Am I not good enough for you?! I am just here, waiting for you, and yet..." Karma tightened his grip on my shoulders which made me flinch in pain. "Hey stop it! She is hurt!!" Chen removed Karma's hands off me which made Karma pop a vein. "What the actual hell?! Are you even her REAL boyfriend??" Karma asked chen and was about to cry. "Yes I am!! Got a problem with that?!" Chen shouted..." Remember, your mission is still not over. Plus I am backing you up from this freak." Chen whispered to me and I sighed. "Aye, we ended up as to homo-homo supporting casts" Nakamura said. (Sorry, got that from Ouran Highschool Host Club). Karma bolted out of the room while Chen and I sighed. "You can be with me Mr. Chen and (Y/n) can be with Karma, right??" Kayano laughed historically. "I am afraid not." Chen laughed. "Karma..." I mumbled but is still is audible to Chen, chen frowned."I gotta go now (Y/n)." Chen bid them goodbye. "I'll walk you out." I said while running towards him.

It was awkward and cold outside which made me shiver. Chen was so kind enough to hand me over his jacket. "Thank you..." I said, "What do you think of Karma??" He asked me with a serious face... "How did you know his name?" I asked him back, "I heard you mumble that word. Plus, That yellow haired girl said "KARMA" so I assumed it is his name." He looked away... 'He must be that observant huh...' I thought, "He... I think I am inlove with him..." I blushed and he frowned. "Oh is that so? What happend to the both of you?" He asked me again... Ugh what a drag. "I overheard his conversation with one of our classmates, asking him who he likes... He said Okuda Manami. I was heartbroken so I called the agency if there were any missions available." I said while tears are rolling down my eyes. "I am sorry... But I am always here for you, ya know?" Chen hugged me. "I won't forget about the concert!" I playfully punched him. He smiled and went into his car, "(Y/n), take this... Call me okay??" Chen exclaimed before I nodded yes to him then he went offroad bidding me goodbye... I was about to go inside but I saw a shadow, lurking by the streets, then disappeared...

I wonder what will happen tomorrow with me and karma on the last day of our vacation here.

I wanna do a shoutout for My_HearTae for always supporting meh.

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