Chapter 5: The same as me....

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As I was driving my car,I saw a girl.She was about like 8 years old,crying...As I was watching her,I could read her lips...she keeps on saying Mommy,mommy..Don't leave me..She kinda reminds me of my old self...

Suddenly,my phone rang.

It was my butler from another country.He's name is Claude

''You know...You scared the crap out of me!!''
I said while catching my breath..

''I am truly sorry (L/n)~sama,I just wanted you to know that I have already arrived at your house.''

Claude said.. Arrived???......Oh yeah! I asked him to come here because I can't handle myself alone! ''Yes...I will be there shortly'' I hunged up..Claude is a demon like me..My dad sent him to me to take care of me but, I haven't even met my dad!!


I parked my car and invited Claude inside..As usual,he goes back to work immediately..I was hungry so I went the kitchen and grab for some chips but..........THERE ARE NONE LEFT!! I hurriedly went upstairs and changed to my (F/c) shirt and black jeans..I went downstairs..''Claude I will be out for awhile to buy something!'' I said.''But is my assistance not needed?''Claude asked,''Not now though!'' I said while driving my car..I drove fast to the nearest supermarket.Parked my car somewhere.Went inside I bought ONE BOX OF HONEY BUDDAH CHIPS! And finally went outside..I saw a familiar girl...It was the girl from before....The one I saw crying..I went to her and asked ''Are you ok?'' ''My mom left me here and said to find someone to take care of me..She hates me!!'' she cried,''What's your name?'' I asked ''It's Chloe..'' she said in a scared tone...''Do you want to be my sister?I mean,I know I am lazy as hell but...I'll try...I was like you too..My parents hated me..''I told her everything even me being a demon..At first she was scared but then realized I am not that bad so she accepted my offer..I drove us both home and asked Claude to do the papers for me to adopt Chloe....He did it in seconds!! I provided a blue and red room for Chloe..And I head over to my room and sleep..'She does remind me of my old self.....'I thought before sleeping....


''Where am I??'' I opened my eyes....''Finally I got the time to see my daughter all grown up!!'' someone said joyfully...''Who are you?'' I asked..What the hell is this place...The walls are all black..''I am Rem (L/n),Your father!! I am so happy to see you my dear (Y/n)..'' Father said...WOW!! I didn't know my father is a hottie...and so handsome...I feel something rolling down my cheeks..Tears!! ''I Have waited for this moment a long time ago...To be loved by someone special..Dad!!'' I said in joy..I hugged him but he is starting to disappear,''I must go now,I promise we will see each other soon..Let's talk about stuff when that time comes.'' He said while tears rolling down his eyes...and everything was all blurry....


Shiki: Hey!! Isn't Rem from Dance with devils!! He is my bff!!

A/n: Shut up

Shiki: So this is where this story is born! Minna!!!! He's real name is Rem Arlond,The prince of despa-*get's punched*

A/n: Lemme continue dammit!!

Shiki: Ohhh do it again!!



I woke up and saw that it's morning....And remembered that I need to go to school!! ''School is such a drag!! I'm so tired for demon's sake..'' I said....I went to the shower..Changed to my uniform...'wait a sec...Wasn't my girl uniform will be delivered today? Oh whatever..Who cares..' I thought..Went downstairs and ate breakfast..alone..'cuz Chloe still not up..She did have a hard time 'ya know..''Bye Claude! Please take care of Chloe while i'm at school kay?'' I ordered him.''As you wish (L/n)~sama! Please have a safe trip to school..'' Claude saide with a smile yet worried tone..I drove off to school..


I arrived to this damn school..I went to class 3-E and found a space to park my car...'hmm I haven't heard from (F/n) since yesterday..OH WHATEVER!!' I thought to myself..This place is like a ship wrecked!!


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