Chapter 35: Awake

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Y/n's POV

"Ngh.... Where am I?" I opened my eyes only to see the FUCKING CEILING (duh)

"Y/n?! Chen! Call the nurse!" I heard a familiar voice ringing through my ears...

"Y/n... Thank God!" I turned to see who it is... It was Karma...

"O... Okuda..."

"Don't worry about Okuda, she just slipped on the slippery path where both of you were found"

"So it really was just my hallucination..." I mumbled.

"Karma, who is my boyfriend?" I asked

He was dumbfounded, "Why? Were you cheating on me Y/n?" Those words, I was relieved to hear those come out from his mouth.

"What about Chen?"

"Chen, your client? He just went outside to call the nurse". So it really was all my hallucinations... I started to cry from all the relief and stress i've been through.

" Oi oi, why are you crying, my princess?" He asked

"I... I just love you, Karma. I want to spend the rest of my life with you!" I sobbed

"B-baka! What's with that statement all of the sudden! Stupid!" He blushed so hard he looks like a tomato.

The door slammed open and the next thing I knew was someone hugging me


"Stupid y/n! Don't ever do this to me again"
It was Asano... He was about to tear up

"And what is this d*ckhead doing here hugging MY girlfriend?" Karma grinned

Asano blushed at the thought of him hugging me

"Now now Karma, don't be a bully!"

"The doctor will check up on you later and its possible that you'll be discharged earlier than expected. Do you have any plans after this?" Ji chen entered the room in such a proper manner...

Now that i think about it...

"I do have a place I wanna go to"

"And where is that?" Karma asked, all of them looked at me in a questioning manner.

"C-can I come too, y/n?" A soft voice on the other side of the hospital divider spoke

Karma slid the divider to see Okuda. She looked pale but she is alright, the thought of me hating her still hasn't changed but... I am just glad she is alive.

"Of course okuda-san!" Her face lit up like a gradeschooler on the way home

"Ehem... You haven't answered my question" Karma said

"My parents' gravestones..."

The Lost One's Weeping (Karma X Demon/Lazy reader)Where stories live. Discover now