Chapter 18: Trip to hell and a kiss to calm down

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''It sure is'' He said while opening the door, everyone was crazily hugging me...congratulating me...and such...They finally calmed down and told me that i got first..I totally beat Karma and Asano!!

Asano fulfilled his promise and took us to a school trip the next week! But, something bad is going to happen..I could feel it...


Y/n's POV

'Finally! A break from that stupid ass school...' i thought as i sat beside karma in the train to kyoto. "How are you doing y/n-chan? Did you rest well last night?" karma ask me, "Mind your own business you creep!" i shouted at him. What the heck?!? Why is it bothering me so much?!! "Umm, hey y/n-chan, can i sit with you?" Okuda's voiced interupted us. I said yes since she is my bff and all...


Wth is this hotel?! It is an old hotel not good for any vacations and the stupid pervy octopus is worn out?! Ugh, great... I am just gonna go to my room and put my bag in there but the hunt for koro-perv is not resting... "Y/n! Let's head out!!" The girly nagisa called me out. I ran towards them and followed their trail. Ever since i met them, i feel more active and stuff but laziness will never get away!


"Karma, i think i am gonna go back. There is too many people..." i said, i hate crowds! "Aww come on!" He said while putting on that PLEASE face. And lookie, I got baited. There were so many stores and such and guess what, I spotted a candy shop! I ran towards it and they didn't mind...

-one eternity later of candies-

I got a whole bag of candies, all of my favorites but in return, i lost them. "Y/n~chan! Help!" I heard a girl's voice on that dark alleyway. I ran towards it and saw okuda with all scratches. "Okuda, you ok? Where are they?" I askes with a nervous voice... "Run past this alleyway... They...are... Fighting..." she said... I hurriedly ran as fast as i can and saw karma,nagisa,and isogai all wounded while kayano is being held. "Oh?! Another company!!" The stupid looking man said. I can't help but rage and turned into my demon form without thinking. My (h/c) turned to red, (e/c) turned to red, my uniform turned into a long red dress and i am holding a staff in my hand with flames, my wings opened and i knew they were shocked. "S-spare us!" Their leader asked for mercy but I didn't care. I shot fire at them and boom they're dead meat. I still can't calm down and karma walked up to me and.... Kissed me?!? I was shocked but i guess it calmed me down. As the kiss went through, i changed back to my normal self. He backs up and said "You saves us😊!". I guess i did huh... As i walked up to okuda she grabbed my shoulders and whispered "He's not gonna love you just because of this." Then she backed up and said "Thank you for saving us!!" Two faced bitch. And from there on, i knew it myself that she will never be my friend...

To be continued...

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